2024年12月 バックナンバー
- (12/26・12/28-1/5) もみじ及び証明書自動発行機のサービス停止について/Notification of MOMIJI Services and Automatic Certificate Issuance Machine Services Unavailable
- 2024/12/16
ご迷惑をおかけしますが, ご理解・ご協力の程よろしくお願いいたします。
MOMIJI and Automatic Certificate Issuance Machine services will be unavailable during the following period due to the MOMIJI server maintenance and New Year holidays.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
*The time may be changed depends on the maintenance work.
*Certificates issued by the Automatic Certificate Issuance Machines on campus (excluding JR Student Discount) can be picked up at convenience stores (Lawson, Family Mart, and Seven-Eleven) throughout Japan using the online application. For details, please refer to Momiji TOP's Certificate Issuance Service at Convenience Stores (site for enrolled students).
停止日時/Date and Times
停止サービス/Service(s) Affected
2024年12月26日(木) 8:30-17:00
December 26(Thu.), 2024 8:30AM-5:00PM
MOMIJI server maintenance
Automatic Certificate Issuance Machine Services
(※霞キャンパスは,12月28日(土)稼働)December 28(Sat.), 2024 - January 5(Sun.), 2025 whole day
(※Automatic Certificate Issuance Machine on the Kasumi Campus will be in operation on Saturday, Dec. 28)証明書自動発行機/
Automatic Certificate Issuance Machine Services
New Year holidays
Education Support Group