
弾道ミサイルが発射された場合の対応について/What to do when a ballistic missile is launched

(See below for the English version)




(English version)

When a missile is launched and is expected to affect Hiroshima Prefecture, an emergency alert e-mail will be sent to mobile phones and smartphones, and emergency information will be broadcasted on the municipal disaster prevention and administrative radio system etc. Please stay calm and do as follows. Please also pay attention to the news on TV, radio along with the emergency information.

【If you are outdoors】
· Try to find shelter in a sturdy building or basement nearby.
· If you cannot find a suitable building nearby, hide in a shade or dive down to the ground with your face down and cover your head.

【If you are indoors】
· Stay away from the window as far as you can, and move to a room without windows if possible.
