- 【督促】情報セキュリティインシデント対応訓練 2023 /(URGE)Information Security Incident Response Drill 2023
- 2023/12/12
(2023.12.27 16:00更新)
全ての対象者がこの訓練を完了するべきという訓練の趣旨から,特別措置として1月14日(日)までの猶予期間を設けましたので必ずご対応ください。猶予期間:2023年12月26日(火)~ 2024年1月14日(日)23:59まで
We are sending to member who did not submit a report of the drill as of 10:30am on Dec.27th.
The deadline for the Response Drill has already passed. Originally, you would be subject to additional measures as a non-completer, as we have already informed you. However, in the purpose of the the Response Drill, which is that all participants should complete it, we have set a special grace period until January 14th (Sun). Please MAKE SURE TO respond.Grace period: From Dec.26th 2023 to Jan.14th 2024, until 23:59 JST
We sent your Hirodai email address about Information Security Incident Response Drill 2023 on December 12th.
If you receive the email, please be sure to carry out the Pre-education and the Response Drill.
We will consider taking some action against those who have not submitted a report of the drill.
■ 問い合わせ先
Tel: 082-424-6252(情報メディア教育研究センター),
Mail: sec-kikou@ml.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
■ Contact
HU Computer Security Incident Response Team(CSIRT)
Tel: 082-424-6252(Information Media Center)
082-424-5609(Information Promotion Group)
Mail: sec-kikou@ml.hiroshima-u.ac.jp