Hiroshima University Syllabus

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The primary language of the class is listed in the "Language of Instruction" column.
Code Primary language used
※If you want to search for class offered in English, please enter "E : English" in the search field.
Year Semester School/Graduate School Subject Name Lecture Code Instructor Language of Instruction
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Gross Anatomy J1501010 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Introductory Japanese Culture J1502020 FUJII MAKIKO E:English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Overview of Dentistry J1502030 FUJII MAKIKO E:English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Life Science J1502040 FUJII MAKIKO E:English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Topographic Anatomy I J1502041 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Topographic Anatomy II J1502042 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Anatomy I J1502050 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Anatomy II J1502060 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Medical Ethics J1503010 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI J:Japanese
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Embryology J1503020 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Histology and Oral Histology J1503030 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Histology I J1503040 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Histology II J1503050 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Tooth Morphology J1503060 KAKU MASATO B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Technical Training for Tooth Carving J1503070 KAKU MASATO B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral Biochemistry I J1503080 SHUKUNAMI CHISA B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral Biochemistry II J1503090 SHUKUNAMI CHISA B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral Biochemistry II J1503095 SHUKUNAMI CHISA B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral Biochemistry II J1503096 SHUKUNAMI CHISA B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral Physiology I J1503100 SUGITA MAKOTO B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral Physiology II J1503110 SUGITA MAKOTO B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Materials and Devices I J1503120 KATO KOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Materials and Devices II J1503130 KATO KOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Public Health Administration J1503140 NAITO MARIKO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Early Clinical Exposure I J1503150 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Interpersonal Communication J1504010 KAWAGUCHI HIROYUKI J:Japanese
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Health and Medical Communication J1504020 KAWAGUCHI HIROYUKI J:Japanese
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Medical Informatics J1504030 OKADA YOSHIYUKI J:Japanese
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Practice of Oral Biochemistry J1504040 SHUKUNAMI CHISA B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Practice of Oral Physiology J1504050 SUGITA MAKOTO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Materials and Devices Practice I J1504060 KATO KOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Materials and Devices Practice II J1504070 KATO KOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Microbiology I J1504080 KOMATSUZAWA HITOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Microbiology II J1504090 KOMATSUZAWA HITOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Immunology J1504100 TAKAHASHI ICHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Pharmacology I J1504110 AGO YUKIO B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Pharmacology II J1504120 AGO YUKIO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Oral Pathology I J1504130 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Oral Pathology II J1504140 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Molecular Biology in Medicine J1504150 SHUKUNAMI CHISA B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Genomic Medicine J1504160 FUJII MAKIKO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Environmental and Public Health J1504170 OOTA KOUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Research Start-Up J1504180 SHUKUNAMI CHISA B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Psychology J1505010 TAKEDA MASAFUMI J:Japanese
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Team Care for Oral Health J1505020 NAITO MARIKO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Biodental English J1505030 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI E:English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Technique for Microbiology and Immunology J1505040 KOMATSUZAWA HITOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Practice of Pharmacology J1505050 AGO YUKIO B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Slide Practice for Oral Pathology I J1505060 AIKAWA TOMONAO E:English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Slide Practice for Oral Pathology II J1505070 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Internal Medicine I J1505080 See the "Class Schedule" of the syllabus B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Internal Medicine II J1505090 See the "Class Schedule" of the syllabus B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Surgery I J1505100 See the "Class Schedule" of the syllabus B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Surgery II J1505110 See the "Class Schedule" of the syllabus B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Ophthalmology J1505120 CHIKAMA TAIICHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Otorhinology J1505130 TAKENO SACHIO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dermatology J1505140 TANAKA AKIO B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Psychiatry J1505150 OKADA GO B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Pediatrics J1505160 NOMURA RYOTA B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral Radiology I J1505170 KAKIMOTO NAOYA B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral Health J1505180 OOTA KOUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Topics in Dental Research I J1505190 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Topics in Dental Research II J1505200 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Special Subject J1506010 AIKAWA TOMONAO J:Japanese
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Special Subject J1506020 KAKIMOTO NAOYA B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral Radiology II J1506030 KAKIMOTO NAOYA B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Seminar of Oral Radiology J1506040 KAKIMOTO NAOYA B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Examination and Diagnosis J1506050 KAJIYA MIKIHITO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Practice of General Health and Dental Health I J1506053 OOTA KOUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Practice of General Health and Dental Health II J1506054 OOTA KOUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Anesthesiology J1506060 HANAMOTO HIROSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Seminar of Dental Anesthesiology J1506070 HANAMOTO HIROSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Endodontics I J1506081 SHIBA HIDEKI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Endodontics II J1506082 SHIBA HIDEKI B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Operative Dentistry I J1506091 SHIBA HIDEKI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Operative Dentistry II J1506092 SHIBA HIDEKI B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Periodontology I J1506100 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Periodontology II J1506110 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Stomatognathic Function J1506120 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Prosthetic Dentistry I J1506130 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Prosthetic Dentistry II J1506140 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Removable Prosthodontics I J1506150 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Removable Prosthodontics II J1506160 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Social Dentistry J1506170 NAITO MARIKO B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Social Welfare J1506180 OOTA KOUJI J:Japanese
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Early Clinical Exposure II J1506190 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Quality and Safety Management in Dentistry J1507010 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Endodontics and Operative Dentistry I J1507020 SHIBA HIDEKI B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Endodontics and Operative Dentistry II J1507030 SHIBA HIDEKI B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Periodontics I J1507040 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Periodontics II J1507050 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral Implantology J1507060 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Functional and Regenerative Oral Medicine I J1507070 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Functional and Regenerative Oral Medicine II J1507080 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Practice of Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients I J1507090 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Practice of Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients II J1507100 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery I J1507110 YANAMOTO SOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery II J1507120 YANAMOTO SOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery I J1507130 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery II J1507140 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Orthodontics I J1507150 TANIMOTO KOTARO B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Orthodontics II J1507160 TANIMOTO KOTARO B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry I J1507170 NOMURA RYOTA B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry II J1507180 NOMURA RYOTA B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dentistry for Persons with Disabilities J1507190 OKADA YOSHIYUKI B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Lifestyle-related Dentistry and Geriatric Dentistry J1507200 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 1Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dysphagia Rehabilitation J1507210 YOSHIKAWA MINEKA B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507222 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507223 SUGITA MAKOTO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507224 SHUKUNAMI CHISA B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507226 KOMATSUZAWA HITOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507227 AGO YUKIO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507228 KATO KOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507230 FUJII MAKIKO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507231 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507232 YANAMOTO SOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507233 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507234 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507235 TANIMOTO KOTARO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507236 KAKIMOTO NAOYA B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507237 SHIBA HIDEKI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507238 NOMURA RYOTA J:Japanese
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507239 HANAMOTO HIROSHI J:Japanese
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507240 KAWAGUCHI HIROYUKI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507241 OKADA YOSHIYUKI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices I J1507242 KAJIYA MIKIHITO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Disaster Dentistry and Forensic Odontology J1508010 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Practice of Prosthodontic Treatment for Partial Edentulous Patients I J1508040 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Practice of Prosthodontic Treatment for Partial Edentulous Patients II J1508050 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Dental Prosthesis I J1508060 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Dental Prosthesis II J1508070 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine I J1508080 YANAMOTO SOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine II J1508090 YANAMOTO SOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine III J1508100 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine IV J1508110 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Orthodontics I J1508120 TANIMOTO KOTARO B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Orthodontics II J1508130 TANIMOTO KOTARO B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Pediatric Dentistry I J1508140 NOMURA RYOTA B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic Practice of Pediatric Dentistry II J1508150 NOMURA RYOTA B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Anatomy for Dentistry I J1508156 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Anatomy for Dentistry II J1508157 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 3Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Practice of Clinical Anatomy for Dentistry I J1508161 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Practice of Clinical Anatomy for Dentistry II J1508171 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 4Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry General Dentistry I J1508180 KAWAGUCHI HIROYUKI B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Early Clinical Exposure III J1508190 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508192 TERAYAMA RYUJI B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508193 SUGITA MAKOTO B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508194 SHUKUNAMI CHISA B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508196 KOMATSUZAWA HITOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508197 AGO YUKIO B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508198 KATO KOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508200 FUJII MAKIKO B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508201 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508202 YANAMOTO SOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508203 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508204 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508205 TANIMOTO KOTARO B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508206 KAKIMOTO NAOYA B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508207 SHIBA HIDEKI B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508208 NOMURA RYOTA J:Japanese
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508209 HANAMOTO HIROSHI J:Japanese
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508210 KAWAGUCHI HIROYUKI B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508211 OKADA YOSHIYUKI B:Japanese/English
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices II J1508212 KAJIYA MIKIHITO B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry International Future Dentistry with the Outcomes of Researches J1509010 FUJII MAKIKO E:English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Advanced Course in Functional and Regenerative Oral Medicine J1509020 SHIBA HIDEKI B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Advanced Course in Applied Oral Biology and Medicine J1509031 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI J:Japanese
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Advanced Course in Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine J1509040 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Advanced Course in Growth and Development of Occlusion J1509050 NOMURA RYOTA J:Japanese
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry General Seminar on Clinical Dentistry J1509060 KAKIMOTO NAOYA J:Japanese
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry General Dentistry II J1509070 KAWAGUCHI HIROYUKI B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry General Dentistry III J1509081 KAWAGUCHI HIROYUKI B:Japanese/English
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Basic and clinical integrated theory J1509090 AIKAWA TOMONAO J:Japanese
2024 2Term School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Cancer Biology J1509100 FUJII MAKIKO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509402 TERAYAMA RYUJI E:English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509403 SUGITA MAKOTO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509404 SHUKUNAMI CHISA B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509405 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509406 KOMATSUZAWA HITOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509407 AGO YUKIO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509408 KATO KOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509409 TAKAHASHI ICHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509410 FUJII MAKIKO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509411 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509412 YANAMOTO SOICHI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509413 AIKAWA TOMONAO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509414 TSUGA KAZUHIRO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509415 TANIMOTO KOTARO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509416 KAKIMOTO NAOYA B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509417 SHIBA HIDEKI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509418 NOMURA RYOTA J:Japanese
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509419 HANAMOTO HIROSHI J:Japanese
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509420 KAWAGUCHI HIROYUKI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509421 OKADA YOSHIYUKI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices III J1509422 KAJIYA MIKIHITO B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices IV (Bacteriology) J1509505 AIKAWA TOMONAO J:Japanese
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices IV (Bacteriology) J1509506 KOMATSUZAWA HITOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 First Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Dental Research Practices IV (Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology) J1509507 AGO YUKIO B:Japanese/English
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Preventive Dentistry) J1510011 TANIMOTO KOTARO B:Japanese/English
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Endodontics and Operative Dentistry) J1510022 SHIBA HIDEKI J:Japanese
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Periodontics) J1510032 MIZUNO NORIYOSHI B:Japanese/English
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Oral Surgery I) J1510041 YANAMOTO SOICHI J:Japanese
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Oral Surgery II) J1510051 AIKAWA TOMONAO J:Japanese
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Denture Prosthodontics I) J1510065 TSUGA KAZUHIRO J:Japanese
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Denture Prosthodontics II) J1510071 TSUGA KAZUHIRO J:Japanese
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Orthodontics) J1510081 TANIMOTO KOTARO B:Japanese/English
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Pedodontics) J1510091 NOMURA RYOTA J:Japanese
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Dental Radiology) J1510101 KAKIMOTO NAOYA B:Japanese/English
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Dental Anesthesiology) J1510111 HANAMOTO HIROSHI J:Japanese
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Dentistry for Persons with Disabilities) J1510121 OKADA YOSHIYUKI J:Japanese
2024 Year School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Clinical Practice (Oral Clinical Examination) J1510125 KAJIYA MIKIHITO J:Japanese
2024 Second Semester School of Dentistry Program of Dentistry Emergency and Critical Care Medicine J1510131 SHIME NOBUAKI J:Japanese

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