
(2022.4.25更新) 健康確認と行動記録について




 ・ 同居者がPCR又は抗原検査陰性の場合、本人は自宅等待機を解除できる。
 ・ 同居者がPCR又は抗原検査陽性の場合、本人がPCR又は抗原検査陰性の場合であっても、保健所が指示する期間、自宅等待機となる。


Requests a health status confirmation questionnaire and Movements Record Sheets

Those who have one of the following symptoms: a fever of 37.5 degrees or a fever one degree higher than normal, fatigue, cough, short breath, sore throat, headache, and loss of smell / taste; are considered sick and need to follow the instructions below.

If a person who is not feeling well takes a PCR or antigen test, they should self-isolate at home until the results are known.
・ If the PCR or antigen test result is positive, the individual will be treated as an infected person.
・ If the result is negative, the individual should self-isolate until all symptoms have cleared up.
・ If a PCR or antigen test is not taken, the individual should self-isolate until 3 days have passed since the clearing up of symptoms.

If someone living in the same house is not feeling well and takes a PCR or antigen test, everyone should self-isolate until the results are known.
・ If the PCR or antigen test result of the person living in the same house is positive, the other members of the house will become close contacts.
・ If the result is negative, the self-isolation period for the other members can be lifted.
・ If a PCR or antigen test is not taken, all members of the house should self-isolate until the symptoms have cleared up.
However, if the student, faculty or staff member takes a PCR or antigen test outside of the university and tests negative, the self-isolation period can be lifted.

The following measures should be taken if someone living in the same house becomes a close contact:
・ Even if the individual is without symptoms, they should self-isolate until the results of the PCR or antigen test of the person they are living with are known.
・ If the PCR test result of the person in the same house is negative, the individual can stop self-isolating.
・ If the PCR or antigen test result of the person in the same house is positive, the individual should self-isolate for the amount of time indicated by the Public Health Center, even if their PCR or antigen test result is negative.
・ However, if the individual takes an antigen test (in the case of a qualitative test, an In-Vitro Diagnostics Test should be used) on the fourth and fifth days after the last date of contact with the infected person (the date of contact is day 0), and both tests are negative, the individual is permitted to go to university from the time that the negative result is confirmed on day five.

*Regarding the activity record, it will be necessary to respond in the event of an infected person.
All members of Hiroshima University must fill out [A health status confirmation questionnaire/ Movements Record Sheets] Excel)every day and keep it by themselves.(Terminates at the end of April 2022)
