
(2021.4.1) 健康確認と行動記録について


 健康確認については、発熱(37.5 度以上の場合または平熱より1 度高い場合が該当)、倦怠感、咳、息苦しさ、のどの痛み、頭痛、嗅覚・味覚異常のどれかひとつでも該当する場合は自宅待機とし、待機期間は,症状が出て8 日経過し、かつ、薬剤服用なしで症状が消失して3 日経過するまでとなります。なお、同居者にのみ上記症状がある場合は、マスク着用、手指の消毒、手洗いを徹底したうえで、登校できることとします。


Requests a health status confirmation questionnaire and Movements Record Sheets

For health check, if you have one or more of the following symptoms: fever (37.5 degrees or more or 1 degree higher than normal temperature), malaise, cough, dyspnea, sore throat, headache, taste / smell problem, you will stay at home for 8 days after the symptoms appear and 3 days after the symptoms disappear without medication.

If only the cohabitant has the above symptoms, you must go to school after thoroughly wearing a mask, disinfecting your hands, and washing your hands.
If your health check indicates that you have a condition to stay at home, please inform the tutor or academic advisor of the contents of the [A health status confirmation questionnaire] by e-mail, etc., and stay at home.

Regarding the activity record, it will be necessary to respond in the event of an infected person.
All members of Hiroshima University must fill out [A health status confirmation questionnaire/ Movements Record Sheets]
Excelevery day and keep it by themselves. ..

The storage period is at least one month.
As for [A health status confirmation questionnaire/ Movements Record Sheets], you may substitute it with a personal schedule app, etc., if you can grasp the behavior for the past month.
