
2024/01/05 「令和6年能登半島地震」等により移動が困難な学生のみなさんへ /To all students who are having difficulty in traveling due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in 2024 and subsequent related events


鈴木 由美子



To Students

SUZUKI Yumiko, Executive Vice President (Education and Peacebuilding)

We extend our heartfelt sympathies to those affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in 2024. If you are having difficulty in returning to Hiroshima, attending your classes, or even continuing your studies due to the earthquake or the aircraft accident that occurred on the following day, please contact the student support office of your schools or graduate schools at the university. You can contact your student support office once you are in a situation where communication is possible. You do not need to contact each instructor individually as the student support staff will inform instructors of the courses you are enrolled in, considering possible communication disruptions.

For classes with affected students, we have requested instructors to make special considerations, such as assigning alternative tasks or reports, delivering supplementary lectures, or providing on-demand video lectures.

Furthermore, if you are due to graduate and seem to be unable to submit your graduation/ master's thesis or doctoral dissertation in time due to the aforementioned events, please contact the student support office of your schools or graduate schools.

Please be assured that we will respond in a way that does not disadvantage anyone in difficult circumstances. We ask you all to prioritize your own safety.

Inquire of Student Support Office (TEL/E-mail)
