
こころのメンテナンスのためにできること/What you can do for mental maintenance














 「この状態が続いたら・・・」と考えて不安や落ち込みなどネガティブになってしまうことがありませんか? 特に,一人で寝る前に考えていると,よい方向には考えにくいものです。また,ネガティブに考える→不安,落ち込み→ますますネガティブになる→ますます落ち込む,といった悪循環に陥りやすくなります。














メンタルヘルス部門, 082-424-6186 mental*hiroshima-u.ac.jp 

カウンセリング部門, 082-424-6187 shinri*hiroshima-u.ac.jp



To students

We think you are worried about COVID-19.

While being called for the continuation of self-restraint, we think there are various thoughts such as "Is it still going on?" and "I may not be able to put up with it any longer."

We think everyone has done their best so far. However, unfortunately, the spread of infection does not stop. This is not the fault of anyone. Everyone is a companion who is suffering from the spread of infection. Instead of blaming anyone, each one should act for himself, for someone, and for everyone.

Many people may feel anxious or lonely. You may be more worried, saying, "But we can't get together." Please connect with your family and close friends by phone or SNS. Please share your anxiety and various thoughts.

Everyone, We think that the unexpected spread of COVID-19 has been tired both physically and mentally for a long time. In particular, the effects of stress on the mind are accumulating without being noticed.

Let's once again look at your physical and mental condition and maintain your mental health.

Information on mental health is posted on the homepage of the Health Service Center. If you have a hard time holding it alone, or if you have a strong anxiety or depression, please consult with the Health Service Center.

●Check your physical condition

It's such a time, so We think you're careful about changes in your body.

As the word "mental-physical correlation" implies, the state of mind (stress and mental disorders) and physical disorders are closely related. Overstress causes a variety of physical symptoms. If you notice that you are overstressed early due to changes in your physical condition, you can respond early. It also helps maintain mental health by adjusting your physical condition.

The function of the autonomic nerves is especially important. Adjust your daily rhythm such as sleeping and eating, and exercise lightly. At night, do not be on your computer or smartphone until just before going to bed, but make time to relax and relax.

●Let's change the way of thinking

Do you ever feel anxious or depressed thinking "if this condition continues ..."? Especially when thinking before going to bed alone, it is difficult to think in a good direction. In addition, it is easy to fall into a vicious cycle of thinking negatively → anxiety, depression → becoming more and more negative → becoming more and more depressed.

Please try to think about the situation from various directions once again: "Is there any other way of thinking?". For example, if you are depressed thinking that you can't do anything in your self-restraint life, you can't meet your friends, and you're lonely, you can ask, "Can you use your time alone for something?" or "Even if you can't meet your friends, let's try LINE. I don't usually do it, but it's a time like this, so I think it's okay to take the plunge. "

●Tips for a little way of thinking

Be aware of the negative words. In fact, it's more likely that the negative words in you are causing it, rather than the actual situation causing anxiety and depression. Don't fall into the trap of words like "anyway," "I'm sure (no)," or "what I am."

●Let's change your mindset from the perspectives of "now," "near future," and "a little future."

When the "now" situation is difficult, let's shift your perspective to the "a little future". When "I can't do anything in the current situation", think "what should I do now to connect to the (out of the situation) future?", and when the "future a little ahead" is uneasy and unavoidable, think about the "future in the near future (for example, tomorrow)". Or just think about what you can do "now".

●Connect with people

Connecting with someone can be your support and strength. Connections vary from person to person; connections with family, connections with friends, connections with faculty and staff, connections with pets, connections with favorite artists, etc. There are various ways to connect. It may be a one-way street, but it's still an important connection. Just exchanging a few words will make a connection. Looking in the mirror and speaking to yourself is also a connection. You can connect by simply greeting the people you meet in the morning.

A little connection can be your own power and the power of the others.

Mental Health Section,

Health Service Center

How to deal with anxiety and how to relax


ContactSection Health Service Center, 4th floor, Student Plaza4F

Mental Health Section, 082-424-6186 mentalhiroshima-u.ac.jp 

Counseling Section, 082-424-6187 shinrihiroshima-u.ac.jp

Please replace with @
