Academic Support

Policies and Correspondence for Respecting Gender and Sexual Diversity


 Policies and Guidelines at Hiroshima University for Respecting Gender and Sexual Diversity 



Hiroshima University strives to accept a wide variety of individuals, respect each individual's autonomy, eliminate discrimination, and establish an environment in which all our members can fully demonstrate their capabilities to the fullest extent possible without any worry. To implement specific measures toward realizing our ideals, we have formulated the guideline "Policies and Guidelines at Hiroshima University for Respecting Gender and Sexual Diversity -for LGBT+ Students", and we will begin applying this guideline on April 1st, 2020.

The guidelines have been in effect since April 2020 for items regarding students, and April 2023 for items regarding faculty, staff, and partners.

Policies and Guidelines at Hiroshima University for Respecting Gender and Sexual Diversity - To Be Inclusive of LGBT+ Students, Faculty and Staff(Japanese)


Policies and Guidelines at Hiroshima University for Respecting Gender and Sexual Diversity -- To Be Inclusive of LGBT+ Students, Faculty and Staff(English)



Gender information on certificates issued by the Hiroshima University/ Gender information on documents submitted to the Hiroshima University(Japanese)


Gender information on certificates issued by the Hiroshima University/ Gender information on documents submitted to the Hiroshima University(English)

 ※The status as of December, 2019 is described.


In addition, we will have "LGBT+ Counseling Counter" and respond to students' concerns and consultations regarding LGBT+ based on this guideline.


LGBT+ Counseling Counter