Academic Support

Use of Generative AI (including ChatGPT)

(2023.5.23) Policy on Generative AI (including ChatGPT) in Education at Hiroshima University

Executive Vice President (Education and Peace), Hiroshima University

1.  General Guideline
Learning at university is fundamentally about identifying problems, seeking solutions, and taking actions. Students should keep this in mind when they use ChatGPT in their coursework and assignments. The fundamental premise is that users of generative AI (including both students and teachers) at Hiroshima University appreciate the advantages and risks of generative AI, possess the abilities necessary to utilize it in various situations, and continue acquiring and updating their abilities to keep up with the rapid development of generative AI. 

2.  Importance of Information Literacy Education
Hiroshima University provides all students with opportunities to obtain the basics of information literacy by requiring them to take information and data science courses as part of their liberal arts education. However, students also need to continuously update their knowledge and awareness since requirements for information literacy constantly change over time. Teachers also need to gain up-to-date knowledge on the cutting-edge AI technologies and grasp the latest trends by, for example, participating in training programs or seminars on and off the campus. With due caution for protection of students' privacy and ethical issues, it is important for teaching staff to continuously revise and improve their pedagogy and contents of their teaching. 

3.  Use of Generative AI in Educational Activities

Teaching staff should keep in mind the following points when they engage in teaching. 

1)  Teaching staff need to decide whether their students are allowed to consult generative AI for their work or assignments, and they need to provide instructions to students in the syllabus or guidelines. 

2)  If use of generative AI is permitted in a course, teaching staff have to inform their students that direct citation from AI-generated content can be plagiarism or the infringement of copyright and can even lead to the leak of private or confidential information. Teaching staff also need to make their students aware that outputs from generative AI can be incorrect and instruct them to use generative AI with great caution. 

3)  If students are allowed to use generative AI for their work, teaching staff should instruct their students to make their own arguments even if they cite AI-generated content. In addition, teaching staff need to make it clear that AI-generated content should be cited wherever it has been used. Requiring a hand-written abstract or summary might be helpful to avoid students' excessive reliance on generative AI in their work. 

4)  Teaching staff need to adapt and revise their pedagogy, teaching contents, assignments, and evaluation criteria when necessary. Teaching staff are expected to aim to improve the effectiveness of their class and to evaluate student performance appropriately.

4.  Continuous Faculty Development and Improvement of Quality of Education
As described above, it is important for teaching staff to provide instructions on using AI-generated content based on up-to-date information and appreciation of the advantages and risks of generative AI. Therefore, Hiroshima University is set to offer opportunities for faculty development on information literacy. These faculty development opportunities will be scheduled regularly for teaching staff to raise their awareness and to learn practical ways of accommodating generative AI into their classes, which will eventually improve the overall quality of education at Hiroshima University.