International Student Support

Abandoned Bicycles and Bicycle Registration

if you use an abandoned bicycle, you could be charged with an embezzlement of lost property.

In addition, you may be arrested if you get an bicycle from your friend and keep using it without completing the necessary bicycle theft prevention registration (cancel of the old registry and reregistration).

Not only that, the University will punish students who violated the law.

■ The examples of embezzlement of lost property cases for bicycles, and the explanation about the necessary procedures for bicycle theft prevention registration

If you recieve a bicyle secondhand, make sure that it is registered.

If it is registered, ask your friend to write out proof of ownership transfer.

Take this certificate and your Alien Registration Card to the police station where the bicycle is registered to ask for a registration transfer.

If the police station is too far away, check if registration can be made at a nearby police station.