Campus Life Information

The examples of embezzlement of lost property cases for bicycles, and the explanation about the necessary procedures for bicycle theft prevention registration

Bicycling is the most familiar method of transportation for students of Hiroshima University. However, a growing number of HU students are arrested for improper use of bicycles these days. Such cases include violations of the traffic laws, however this time, we will explain about the other cases, especially the cases of embezzlement of lost property.

【The examples of embezzlement of lost property cases for bicycles】
[Case 1]
A student who got a bicycle from his/her friend used it without completing necessary bicycle theft prevention registration.
[Case 2]
A student used an abandoned bicycle mistaking that as a bicycle shared by the apartment residents.
(Another student used an abandoned bicycle having been told incorrectly by his/her friend that it was OK to use it.)
[Case 3]
A student used a bicycle abandoned on the road (or parked in the parking lot for bicycles) without permission.
[Case 4]
A student, without thinking about it seriously, used another person's bicycle without permission because his/her bicycle was broken (or stolen).

Behaving like the students in the above 4 cases may subject you to arrest on suspicion of stealing or embezzlement of lost property.
Regarding the 4 cases stated above, they all made one common mistake: the offenders used a 'bicycle that belongs to the other person without permission'.
Even though you did not have any ill will, or you didn't know it was illegal, using any property that belongs to another person constitutes a crime, not just a breach of manners.

【About proper use of an bicycle】
Please do not use any bicycle without having the proof that it surely belongs to you.
Specifically, note the following points.
・Do not use any bicycle that you didn't buy yourself.
・In case that you get a bicycle from your friend, make sure to complete necessary procedures (*1) before using it.
・If your bicycle is stolen, file a police report on the theft, then, use an appropriate alternative transportation.

Even if your bicycle was stolen, that does NOT mean that you can use a bicycle that belongs to another person. (If you do such a thing, you will be arrested for stealing the bicycle.)

【(*1) About the necessary procedures when you got a bicycle from your friend】
It is an obligation of all users to have a bicycle theft prevention registration done, so almost all the bicycles in this country have been registered legally.
Therefore, when you get a bicycle from the other person, be sure to complete the procedures to change the registration of the bicycle (cancellation of the old registration and reregistration).

(1) Ask the bicycle's previous owner to prepare the Transfer of Bicycle Ownership (a power of attorney).
(2) Ask the nearest 'police station' (not a police box) if they handle the registration procedures and confirm about the service hours. (* The normal service hours at a police station: 8:30 - 17:00 Mon. thru Fri.)
(3) Bring the following things to the aforementioned police station and complete the procedures.
  ・The Transfer of Bicycle Ownership prepared in (1)
  ・Your ID (driver's license, student ID, residence card etc.)
  ・The registration fee
  ・The bicycle you got from the other person