Campus Life Information

Sports, training, and meeting facilities

※This page is reference information translated from Japanese,
Japanese page takes precedence if there is any discrepancies in the content.

Sporting Facilities

Facilities of extracurricular activities for common use

Saijo seminar house (Japanese Page)

Saijo sports ground (japanese Pafe)

University hall 

Spanish plaza

When you notice that the shared parts of the facilities you are using, like entrance hall,
corridor, stairs and rest room, have outstandingly been stained or haven't been cleaned,
please report that to the Student Services Group Office in No.2 on the third floor of
Student Plaza or tell by e-mail.

※When you find a burned out light or a clogged toilet, please contact addresses as below.

In the case of a gymnasium, outdoor facilities like a ground or a restaurant, to the
Student Services Group Office (in No.2 on the third floor of Student Plaza).

In the case of University Hall or Shared Facilities for Extracurricular Activities (Circles' building),
to the office of University Hall. (When no staff is in the office, contact the Student Services Group Office.)

In the case of facilities in Kasumi campus and Higashi-Senda campus, to its own Support Office.

And, when you find a honeycomb, or if you find a suspicious person or a suspicious item,
please tell that to the Student Services Group.

In emergency, contact the nearest Student Support Office.