Hiroshima University Syllabus

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Academic Year 2024Year School/Graduate School Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Professional degree course) Division of Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders Professional Development Program for Teachers and School Leaders
Lecture Code WPA23050 Subject Classification Specialized Education
Subject Name 異校種連携接続の実践開発
Subject Name
Subject Name in
Practical Development of Cooperative Connections between Different School Types
マツウラ タケト,フジカワ テルヒコ
Campus Higashi-Hiroshima Semester/Term 1st-Year,  Second Semester,  3Term
Days, Periods, and Classrooms (3T) Fri1-4:EDU C307
Lesson Style Seminar Lesson Style
(More Details)
Lecture-oriented, Seminar-oriented, Many writings on the board, Discussion, Student presentation, Field work, Task, the Use of chemicals 
Credits 2.0 Class Hours/Week   Language of Instruction J : Japanese
Course Level 6 : Graduate Advanced
Course Area(Area) 24 : Social Sciences
Course Area(Discipline) 07 : Education
Eligible Students
Special Subject for Teacher Education   Special Subject  
Class Status
within Educational
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Criterion referenced
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Class Objectives
/Class Outline
"From the perspective of cooperation among various kinds of schools, students will identify challenges in teaching and develop curricula in order to deal with problems.

This course aims to develop abilities and skills to improve and implement coherent education-based on curricula, which are established based on the current status of child students. In order to achieve this goal, students will make curricula which are designed for dealing with problems that children have, based on preceding studies and cases concerning cooperation among various schools. "
Class Schedule lesson1:Orientation
Explaining contents and purpose, and expected outcomes of this course as well as how to conduct this course. Also, form understanding to discuss curriculum development. (Four groups; A, B, C, and D)
lesson2:The importance of collaboration and connection among various schools
Overview of the importance of collaboration and connection among various schools (lecture)
lesson3:Trends in collaboration and connection among various schools
Overview practical cases and research trends of collaboration and connection among various schools (lecture)
lesson4:Clarification of challenges in school guidance
Based on perspectives of collaboration and connection among various schools, analyze the results of the National Assessment of Academic Ability and clarify the issues of school guidance
lesson5:Development of teaching materials that promote collaboration and connection among various schools 1
Focusing on issues in school guidance, make plans of developing teaching materials
lesson6:Development of teaching materials that promote collaboration and connection among various schools 2
Review plans made in lesson5 in groups
lesson7:Development of evaluation methods that promote collaboration and connection among various schools 1
Focusing on issues in school guidance, make plans of developing evaluation methods
lesson8:Development of evaluation methods that promote collaboration and connection among various schools  2
Review plans made in lesson7 in groups
lesson9:Development of teaching methods that promote collaboration and connection among various schools 1
Focusing on issues in school guidance, make plans of developing teaching methods
lesson10:Development of teaching methods that promote collaboration and connection among various schools  2
Review plans made in lesson10 in groups
lesson11:Presentation and evaluation of developed curricula (Group A)
Group A to deliver a presentation on developed curricula, which is followed by evaluation
lesson12:Presentation and evaluation of developed curricula  (Group B)
Group B to deliver a presentation on developed curricula, which is followed by evaluation
lesson13:Presentation and evaluation of developed curricula  (Group C)
Group C to deliver a presentation on developed curricula, which is followed by evaluation
lesson14:Presentation and evaluation of developed curricula  (Group D )
Group D to deliver a presentation on developed curricula, which is followed by evaluation
Based on what was discussed from lessons 11-14, students will polish up curricula (Make reports) 
"Course style. (Lectures, discussions, students’ presentations)
Materials to be distributed in the class as required." 
PC or AV used in
(More Details) Textbook, handouts, voice material, image (video/PC/other image material)
Learning techniques to be incorporated  
Suggestions on
Preparation and
Summarize a gist of materials (article/text) including information gathering and consideration of relevant documents.
Grading Method "Students will be evaluated comprehensively based on the items listed below
Class participation: 40%
Reports: 60%"
Practical Experience  
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it  
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes.
Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. 
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