Hiroshima University Syllabus

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Academic Year 2024Year School/Graduate School Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Master's Course) Division of Educational Sciences International Education Development Program
Lecture Code WNE00601 Subject Classification Specialized Education
Subject Name Mathematics Education Development
Subject Name
Subject Name in
Mathematics Education Development
Instructor BABA TAKUYA
ババ タクヤ
Campus Higashi-Hiroshima Semester/Term 1st-Year,  First Semester,  2Term
Days, Periods, and Classrooms (2T) Mon1-4:IDEC 203
Lesson Style Lecture Lesson Style
(More Details)
On-line (Teams), Lecture, Discussion, Presentation by students 
Credits 2.0 Class Hours/Week   Language of Instruction E : English
Course Level 5 : Graduate Basic
Course Area(Area) 24 : Social Sciences
Course Area(Discipline) 08 : Curriculum and Instruction Sciences
Eligible Students IDEC master student
Keywords curriculum development, cultural aspect, curriculum and textbook analysis, lesson analysis, education evaluation, lesson study 
Special Subject for Teacher Education   Special Subject  
Class Status
within Educational
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Criterion referenced
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Class Objectives
/Class Outline
Besides general theory for mathematics education research, mathematics education in the developing countries will be considered from the perspectives of its own culture, society and history in the region, including ethnomathematics, because there exists a problem of bringing in curriculum of developed countries as it is. From both of these, which are two axes of general perspective and specific context, mathematics education in the developing countries is going to be critically analyzed.
   To discuss issues of mathematics education in developing countries and research framework (2)
   To discuss general theory and specific examples of curriculum development (5)
   To discuss cultural aspect of mathematics education (3)
   To discuss teachers, teacher education, teaching in mathematics education (2)
   To discuss evaluation and assessment in mathematics education (2)
   To review issues of mathematics education in developing countries and to connect them to the global context (1) 
Class Schedule lLesson1 Explanation about the Lecture Plan and Discussion on Mathematics Education in the Developing Countries
Give guidance on this series of lectures. Discuss global curriculum trends such as standards and competence and its issues, and reflect international education projects by JICA from the viewpoint of mathematics education.
Lesson2 Research framework on mathematics education
Discuss a framework for the mathematics education research in each country by reviewing the previous researches, in order to tackle the above issues.
Lesson3 General Theory of Curriculum Development in Mathematics
Overview general theory of curriculum development such as factors for development, teachers, goals in mathematics education and analyze the curriculum from the perspective of structure.
A.G.Howson et al. (1981), Curriculum Development in Mathematics, Cambridge Univ.Press.
Lesson4 Didactical triangle 1
Focusing on the contents in didactical triangle, discuss some notable curriculum development such as Open ended approach, Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), Substantial Learning Environment (SLE).
Lesson5 Didactical triangle 2
Focusing on children in didactical triangle, discuss children’s conceptual understanding, misconception, and Newman approach.
Lesson6 Didactical triangle 3
Focusing on teachers and lessons in didactical triangle, discuss problem solving lesson, knowledge for teaching, and belief.
Lesson7 Contents in Mathematics Education Curriculum
By looking at the mathematics education curriculum vertically, discuss how to grow mathematical thinking, by taking up an example of numbers and expressions.
Lesson8 Cultural Aspect of Mathematics Education 1
Discuss issues related to representation, semiotics and learning mathematics in a second language
Berry, (1985), Learning Mathematics in a Second Language, FLM.
Lesson9 Cultural Aspect of Mathematics Education 2
Overview notion of Ethnomathematics and summarize and discuss its critical points
Lesson10 Cultural Aspect of Mathematics Education 3
Discuss application of Ethnomathematics into mathematics curriculum and its issues.
Lesson11 Mathematics teacher education 1
Discuss education reform and improvement, teachers’ professional standards and teacher education.
Lesson12 Mathematics teacher education 1
Discuss the community, lesson study, professional growth and values of mathematics teachers.
Lesson13 Mathematics education assessment 1
Discuss the framework, outputs and issues of international assessments such as PISA, PISA-D and TALIS, by relating with the global curriculum trends. Take up the case of curriculum administration in Japan as an example in the discussion.
Kaiser (1999) International Comparison in Mathematics Education, Falmer Press.
Lesson14 Mathematics education assessment 2
Discuss the evaluation and assessment of mathematical thinking, formative evaluation, integration of instruction and assessment, and misconception, by setting an assessment in accordance with children’s reality against a policy oriented-assessment.
Lesson15 Summary
Summarize all discussions and discuss their implication for the practice-based research. Discussion an example of the social open-end problem. 
Bishop, A.J.: 1994, ‘Cultural Conflict in Mathematics Education: Developing a Research Agenda’, For the Learning of Mathematics, 14(2), 15-18.
Vithal,R., Skovsmose,O.: 1997, ‘The End of Innocence: A Critique of Ethnomathematics’, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 34(2), 131-157.
Damerow, et. Al (1984) Mathematics for All, UNESCO.
D'Ambrosio, U.: 1984, ‘Socio-Cultural Bases for Mathematical Education’, Proceedings of 5th ICME, Adelaide, Australia, pp.1-6.
S. Shimada eds. (1977). Open end approach in Mathematics education: A proposal for lesson improvement. Mizuumi Press (in Japanese).
Stigler,J.W. & Hiebert,J.:1999, The Teaching Gap: Best Ideas from the World’s Teachers for Improving Education in the Classroom, the Free Press. 
PC or AV used in
(More Details) Reference materials, lesson video and PPT 
Learning techniques to be incorporated  
Suggestions on
Preparation and
To think over the issues and discuss them. And to analyse the curriculum and textbook, the mathematics lesson and to follow the instrcution during the lescture. 
Grading Method    Evaluation will be done on the basis of attendance (20%), participation into discussion during the lecture (30%), and two reports (50%). 
Practical Experience Experienced  
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it The lecturer has an experience of JICA expert and being commissioned with JICA project. In that process, he has discussed theoretically and practically with adminstrators in the Ministry of Education and researchers of research institute and universities. This course is supported by such experiences and discussion. 
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes.
Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. 
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