Hiroshima University Syllabus

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Academic Year 2024Year School/Graduate School Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Master's Course) Division of Educational Sciences Educational Studies Program
Lecture Code WNC21000 Subject Classification Specialized Education
Subject Name 異文化間理解の社会理論と実践特講 II
Subject Name
Subject Name in
Special Lecture on Intercultural Understanding : Social Theories and Practice II
ツネマツ ナオミ
Campus Higashi-Hiroshima Semester/Term 1st-Year,  First Semester,  2Term
Days, Periods, and Classrooms (2T) Fri7-8:EDU K308
Lesson Style Lecture Lesson Style
(More Details)
Lecture, Active learning (Group Work, Pair Work)
Term 2, Friday (12:50-14:20, 14:35-16:05)
Classroom: Education K308 (To be announced via Moodle)  
Credits 1.0 Class Hours/Week   Language of Instruction B : Japanese/English
Course Level 5 : Graduate Basic
Course Area(Area) 24 : Social Sciences
Course Area(Discipline) 07 : Education
Eligible Students Graduate Students
Keywords intercultural competence, intercultural communication, culture shock and reverse culture shock, cultural adjustment and readjustment, multicultural education, internationalization of university, social theories, feminist theories, practice, international experiential learning, emotional intelligence, case studies 
Special Subject for Teacher Education   Special Subject  
Class Status
within Educational
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Active Learning Course to acquire knowledge and skills for intercultural communication and international experiential learning  
Criterion referenced
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Class Objectives
/Class Outline
   This course is designed to acquire knowledge on social theories related to intercultural understanding and social phenomena from multiple perspectives.  Intercultural understanding has become critical issue today, which is often discussed with the issues of intercultural communication, global society, multicultural society, social theories including feminist theories, and internationalization of university and local society.
   The course covers cross-cultural experiences and culture shock as well as theories on intercultural understanding including debates on cultural essentialism. Culture is examined from various perspectives, such as essence of culture, value system, self concept, verbal and non-verbal message, interpersonal relationships, organization and culture, and adjustment and readjustment. Through the examination of actual cases of international students’ experiential learning and cooperative learning to collaborate with local society, students are expected to develop the analysis on theories on intercultural understanding and knowledge construction from multiple perspectives, and to create their own practical designs.    
Class Schedule lesson1  Class 1  コース概要説明 [Course Orientation]
lesson2  Class 2   カルチャーショックと逆カルチャーショック [Culture Shock & Reverse Culture Shock] / 自己紹介 [Self Introduction]  チーム構築1 [Team Building No.1]
lesson3  Class 3   グローバル社会と大学No.1:  大学国際化と国際競争 [Globalization and University No.1: Internationalization of University and International Competition]
lesson4  Class 4  留学における異文化適応と再適応[Study Abroad and Cultural Adjustment & Readjustment]/ プロジェクト学習:協働学習 [Doing Project Work: Cooperative Learning] / チーム構築2 [Team Building No.2]
lesson5  Class 5  グローバル社会と大学No.2: 世界の流動性と大学改革 [Global Society and University No.2: Global Mobility and University Reform]
lesson6  Class 6  日本社会と価値観:ヒエラルキー, 内と外, 行動様式 [Cultural Values in Japanese Society: Hierarchy, Inside/Outside, Behavioral Code] / チーム構築3 [Team Building No.3]
lesson7  Class 7  異文化間コミュニケーション  [Intercultural Communication]
lesson8  Class 8  異文化間理解: 文化次元理論 [Intercultural Understanding Theories : Cultural Dimensions] /チーム構築4 [Team Building No.4]
lesson9  Class 9   国際的体験学習と協働学習: 実践事例分析 [International Experiential Learning & Cooperative Learning in Japan: Analysis of Actual Cases]
lesson10  Class 10  異文化間コミュニケ―ション・ケーススタディNo.1:大学 [Intercultural Communication: Case Study No.1: University Setting in Japan] /プロジェクトプレゼンテーション No.1 [Project Presentation No.1]
lesson11  Class 11  ダイバーシティとインクルージョン[Diversity & Inclusion]
lesson12  Class 12  異文化間能力と異文化間リテラシー [Intercultural Competence & Intercultural Literacy]      
lesson13  Class 13  情動的知能とダイバーシティ [Emotional Intelligence and Diversity]

lesson14  Class 14  異文化間コミュニケ―ション・ケーススタディNo.2:日本の医療現場&職場 [Intercultural Communication: Case Study No.2: Clinical Environment & Work Place in Japan]
lesson15  Class 15  アカデミック・ライティング [Academic Writing] /
各学生の研究概要プレゼンテーション [Short Research Presentation]                        

*Class content can be slightly changed since I am arranging the session with local school, local industry, etc.  
Please refer to the detailed syllabus.  
PC or AV used in
(More Details) PC (computer), power point 
Learning techniques to be incorporated  
Suggestions on
Preparation and
Students are required to read the article(s) in the reading list. Students are also required to actively participate in group discussion and project.   
Requirements * Active participation in the class is required.  Students are also required to actively participate in group discussion and project.
* Please take 1) and 2) as one set.
1) "Intercultural Understanding : Social Theories and Practice I"  
2) "Intercultural Understanding : Social Theories and Practice II"
Grading Method 評価(Assessment)                   Weighting
参加[Participation in the lecture / fieldwork]                   20%
リーディング・プレゼンテーション[Summary Presentation]   10%
実践企画プレゼンテーション [Practical Plan Presentation]     20%
中間レポート [Interim Report]                         10 %
ディスカッションへの貢献 [Discussion](English & Japanese)  15 %
研究論文[Final Paper]                                     25%
TOTAL                                                 100%
Practical Experience Experienced  
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it 実践グループプロジェクトは企画するが,本授業内における実行はしない。企画案のみ作成する。
Naomi T's Home Page 恒松の研究・教育ホームページ
Message 授業の一環として,国際セミナー等において留学生・海外からの研究者と異文化接触する場をつくる予定である。 As part of the course students are expected to have the opportunities of intercultural contact with international students or researchers from overseas. 
Other Participation of multinational students is welcomed.

Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes.
Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. 
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