Hiroshima University Syllabus

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Academic Year 2024Year School/Graduate School Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education
Lecture Code 81157001 Subject Classification Specialized Education
Subject Name 英語文章表現スキルアップAII
Subject Name
Subject Name in
Advanced Reading in English AII
タツミ アキコ
Campus Higashi-Hiroshima Semester/Term 2nd-Year,  Second Semester,  4Term
Days, Periods, and Classrooms (4T) Weds9-10:IAS J101 CALL
Lesson Style Seminar Lesson Style
(More Details)
Details will be announced later. 
Credits 1.0 Class Hours/Week   Language of Instruction J : Japanese
Course Level 3 : Undergraduate High-Intermediate
Course Area(Area) 22 : Language Education
Course Area(Discipline) 02 : English
Eligible Students This course is available to only those admitted to the "Building Professional English Skills" program.
Keywords Writing strategies, Writing a wide range of texts 
Special Subject for Teacher Education   Special Subject  
Class Status
within Educational
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
This course is primarily designed to develop students' writing skills in English, essential for professional researchers and specialists in this international age. A secondary aim is to help students receive TOEIC scores of at least 730. 
Criterion referenced
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Class Objectives
/Class Outline
This course aims at providing students with a relatively strong English proficiency (a TOEIC score minimum of about 500) with high-level writing skills essential for future success in their academic or business careers. Strategies will be learned to enhance their writing efficiency, and a variety of activities will be included to improve their writing performance. 
Class Schedule 1. Summarizing
2. Critical Reading
3. Graph 1
4. Introduction to Digital Storytelling; Storyboarding
5. Peer Reading
6. Editing
7. Graph 2
8.  Exam 
To be announced at the first lesson. 
PC or AV used in
(More Details)  
Learning techniques to be incorporated  
Suggestions on
Preparation and
Work hard on your assignments. 
Grading Method Exam (60%); Assignments (40%) 
Practical Experience  
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it  
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes.
Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. 
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