Academic Year |
2024Year |
School/Graduate School |
School of Applied Biological Science |
Lecture Code |
L6022001 |
Subject Classification |
Specialized Education |
Subject Name |
中山間地域・島しょ部フィールドワーク特別演習 |
Subject Name (Katakana) |
チュウサンカンチイキ・トウショブフィールドトクベツエンシュウ |
Subject Name in English |
Fieldwork in mountainous and island areas |
Instructor |
Instructor (Katakana) |
ホソノ ケンジ,チョウメイ ヨウスケ |
Campus |
Higashi-Hiroshima |
Semester/Term |
3rd-Year, Second Semester, Intensive |
Days, Periods, and Classrooms |
(Int) Inte |
Lesson Style |
Lecture |
Lesson Style (More Details) |
Face-to-face |
Fieldwork, discussion, student presentations |
Credits |
2.0 |
Class Hours/Week |
Language of Instruction |
Japanese/English |
Course Level |
Undergraduate Advanced
Course Area(Area) |
Biological and Life Sciences |
Course Area(Discipline) |
Agricultural Sciences |
Eligible Students |
Keywords |
Mountainous and Island Areas, Sixth Sector Industrialization, Agriculture-Commerce-Industry Cooperation, Food Resource Economics |
Special Subject for Teacher Education |
Special Subject |
Class Status within Educational Program (Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students) | As part of the Measures for Areas with Disadvantageous Agricultural and Fishery Conditions (a Center-of-Community University Project for Regional Revitalization, supported by Hiroshima University), this course aims to improve the abilities of all five programs in the Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences to solve area-specific issues. |
Criterion referenced Evaluation (Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students) | |
Class Objectives /Class Outline |
Students will travel to areas with disadvantageous conditions for agriculture and fishing to carry out fieldwork surveys (interviews, etc.) regarding the problems these areas face. The objective of this course is for students to develop the ability to concretely articulate, analyze, and grasp issues from a socioeconomic perspective, and to consider possible solutions. |
Class Schedule |
To concretely grasp problems faced by local agricultural and fishery industries, students will (1) carry out fieldwork surveys (interviews, etc.) in several locations, (2) organize and report their findings in a seminar, (3) consider ways to solve the issues they have identified, and (4) comprehensively review these findings and those of other students, considering ways to solve issues as a whole.
Students will receive credit after carrying out fieldwork in five or more of the places designated by a teacher in charge of the Center-of-Community University project, and handing in a report on their findings.Examples of Fieldwork Locations: -Kure (Yutaka-machi) -Miyoshi (Mirasaka-chō, Kōnu-chō, Kawanishi-chō) -Ōsakikamijima -Akiōta -Sera |
Text/Reference Books,etc. |
Will be regularly posted on Momiji. |
PC or AV used in Class,etc. |
Microsoft Forms, Zoom, moodle |
(More Details) |
Fieldwork on location |
Learning techniques to be incorporated |
PBL (Problem-based Learning)/ TBL (Team-based Learning), Fieldwork / Survey, Project Learning, Post-class Report |
Suggestions on Preparation and Review |
Preparation: Acquire a firm grasp of data and other information concerning the socioeconomic environments of the locations you will be surveying. Review: Write and hand in a report on the locations you survey. |
Requirements |
When you register this class, you should consider your ability of arranging your own field works. There were some students who could not get credit of this class because of imcomplete of field works. |
Grading Method |
Comprehensive evaluation based on fieldwork and report. |
Practical Experience |
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it |
You will be given some prior learning by a professor who has practical experiences at local government office, regarding to method of interview survey to the people who engaged in business. |
Message |
Other |
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes. Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. |