Hiroshima University Syllabus

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Academic Year 2024Year School/Graduate School School of Education
Lecture Code CC415503 Subject Classification Specialized Education
Subject Name 球技指導演習B(ゴール型・ベースボール型)
Subject Name
Subject Name in
Instruction Seminar in Ball Games B (Goal-type & Baseball-type)
ヤナオカ タクマ
Campus Higashi-Hiroshima Semester/Term 2nd-Year,  First Semester,  2Term
Days, Periods, and Classrooms (2T) Weds5-8:South Sports Ground,EDU B306,EDU K208
Lesson Style Seminar Lesson Style
(More Details)
Exercises, discussions, student presentations, work 
Credits 2.0 Class Hours/Week   Language of Instruction J : Japanese
Course Level 2 : Undergraduate Low-Intermediate
Course Area(Area) 27 : Health Sciences
Course Area(Discipline) 05 : Sports Science
Eligible Students Second grader in specialized field.
Keywords Soccer, baseball, teaching method, basic technology, basic tactics 
Special Subject for Teacher Education   Special Subject  
Class Status
within Educational
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
It is a position as those applications on basic knowledge and education. 
Criterion referenced
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Health and Sports Sciences Education
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Toward the topic on health and sports, being able to plan and conduct the research and activities by oneself or in a group 
Class Objectives
/Class Outline
Class goals and themes
In this lesson, we pick up football and softball in the exercise field shown in the guidelines for teaching of secondary school and high school (Health and Physical Education course), understand the knowledge and structure about its technology, tactics, physical fitness, and skill To learn.
Outline of lesson
In this lesson, you acquire the fundamental elements (skill, tactics, physical fitness) of the competition in goal-type football and baseball-type softball. Increase the skills and coordination abilities specific to sports events in those lectures and technical practice and game formats (competition format). It is a big challenge to practice the development of movement related to battle of soccer and batting and defense of softball and acquisition of the theory of skills. 
Class Schedule Part 1: Lecture (Orientation, how to proceed classes and overview of ball games / guidance)
The 2nd: Acquiring the goal type (soccer) skills (1): Technology and tactical structure
The 3 rd: Acquiring skill and physical strength of goal type (soccer) (2): Technology required for tactics
Fourth: Acquiring skill and physical strength of goal type (soccer) (3): European tactics
Part 5: Acquisition of baseball type (softball) technology (1): batting and defense
Sixth: Acquisition of Baseball Type (Softball) Technology (2): Scene Guidance and Technology Structure
The seventh: Acquisition of baseball type (softball) technology (3): Team practice
The 8th: Learning tactics in goal type (1): Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU)
The 9th: Acquisition of tactics in goal type (2): interpersonal tactics and guidance
The 10th: Learning tactics in baseball type: Task games and guidance
Eleventh: Game experience and its teaching method (1): goal type offense and defense
The twelfth: Game experience and its teaching method (2): Simple task game of baseball
The thirteenth: Game experience and its teaching method and simulated class (1): Teaching plan and its practice
The 14th: Game experience and its teaching method and simulated lesson (2): Practice and its check
The 15th: Final exam and summary (submission of report)

Tests and reports scheduled to be implemented

I desire a motivated student 
Reference book · reference material etc.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Junior High School High School Study Guidance Requirement (Health and Physical Education)" 
PC or AV used in
(More Details) Text, handouts, audio teaching materials, video (video / PC / other image materials) etc. 
Learning techniques to be incorporated  
Suggestions on
Preparation and
To actively prepare and review reviews interestingly about the lecture and the task of the exercise 
Requirements It is interested in sports and high motivation for practical management. 
Grading Method Evaluation for students
Comprehensively evaluate from the following three viewpoints
1) Presentation / Discussion (30%)
2) Challenges / reports (30%)
3) Exam (40%) 
Practical Experience  
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it  
Message Interestedly, gather information from the Internet etc. by each person according to the content of the lesson 
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes.
Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. 
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