
年度 2024年度 開講部局 人間社会科学研究科博士課程前期人文社会科学専攻国際経済開発プログラム
講義コード WMH01001 科目区分 専門的教育科目
授業科目名 Global Governance
英文授業科目名 Global Governance
シマンガン ダリア コリャード
開講キャンパス 東広島 開設期 1年次生   後期   3ターム
曜日・時限・講義室 (3T) 木5-8:国際206号
授業の方法 講義 授業の方法
The delivery of lessons for this course is designed around in-person lectures, class discussions, Oxford-style debates, and Model United Nations. 
単位 2.0 週時間   使用言語 E : 英語
学習の段階 6 : 大学院専門的レベル
学問分野(分野) 24 : 社会科学
学問分野(分科) 02 : 政治学
授業のキーワード international relations, global governance, global issues, United Nations, globalization, global civil society, peace, peacebuilding, security, global economy, global environment 
教職専門科目   教科専門科目  
授業の目標・概要等 The world is increasingly becoming interconnected and complex, making international relations and global governance more important than ever before. This course will provide an overview of the structures and processes governing the world. The first part of the course will cover the key theories of International Relations to set the conceptual stage for studying global governance. The second part will introduce the origins and roles of main global and international actors, including the United Nations and its agencies, regional organizations, and non-state actors. The third part will critically examine international processes and contemporary issues confronting the global governance system. Interactive learning approaches (Oxford style debates and Model United Nations) will provide a platform for students to analyze global issues in a collaborative and engaging environment.
By the end of the course, the students will have a firm grasp of the theoretical underpinnings and practical implications of the international structures, processes, and issues of global governance. They will be able to demonstrate the real-world relevance of their knowledge in international relations and global governance by analyzing pressing global issues of our time through structured peer discussions. This course will equip students with critical analytical tools, presentation skills, and debating strategies necessary for deliberating issues of global importance. 
授業計画 第1回 Introduction to the Course
第2回 Global Governance
第3回 International Relations
第4回 Realism, Liberalism, and Critical IR Theories
第5回 The United Nations System
第6回 States and Regional Organizations
第7回 Globalization
第8回 Global Civil Society and Non-State Actors
第9回 Global Peace and Security Issues
第10回 Governing Global Peace and Security
第11回 Governing the Global Economy
第12回 Governing the Global Environment
第13回 Model United Nations
第14回 Model United Nations
第15回 Final Examination

The final examination is a written essay conducted in person during class hours. An open-book policy applies, i.e., students are free to refer to lecture materials, readings, and other reliable sources during the examination.  
教科書・参考書等 A detailed syllabus, which includes specific components of course requirements and required and optional readings/materials, will be provided during the first meeting. 
Students are required to read assigned readings and participate meaningfully in class discussions. This course will employ interactive formats of class participation, including Oxford-style debates and Model United Nations. 
成績評価の基準等 35% Oxford-style Debates
35% Model United Nations
30% Final Examination 
メッセージ A detailed syllabus, which includes specific components of course requirements and required and optional readings/materials, will be provided during the first meeting. 
その他 ===Important Notes===
1. For IPC students who enrolled in/after AY2023, “International Relations” will appear on their transcript if they take and pass “Global Governance” in AY2024, and the credits of this course will be counted under the IPC Program Specialization Course Category, NOT Program Specialization Course from Other Program.
2. For IPC students who enrolled in/prior to AY2022, “Global Governance” will appear on their transcript if they take and pass “Global Governance” in AY2024, and the credits of this course will be counted under the “Program Specialization Course from Other Program,” NOT IPC Program Specialization Course Category.
3. For IEDP students, “Global Governance” will appear on their transcript if they take and pass this course in AY2024.
4. For other program students, “Global Governance” will appear on their transcript if they take and pass this course in AY2024.