
年度 2024年度 開講部局 教養教育
講義コード 66310001 科目区分 社会連携科目
授業科目名 Business Creation
英文授業科目名 Business Creation
担当教員名 平見 尚隆,永井 秀男
ヒラミ ナオタカ,ナガイ ヒデオ
開講キャンパス 東広島 開設期 1年次生   後期   3ターム
曜日・時限・講義室 (3T) 金5-8:総K207
授業の方法 講義 授業の方法
Lecture room:Faculty of Integrated Arts and Science
Lecture・ Seminar ・Discussion・Oral presentation 
単位 2.0 週時間   使用言語 E : 英語
学習の段階 1 : 入門レベル
学問分野(分野) 21 : 社会人基礎
学問分野(分科) 03 : キャリア教育
対象学生 All faculties
授業のキーワード Entrepreneur, Startup, Corporate management, Product planning, Eco-system
SDG_04、SDG_09、SDG_17、Practical work experience
教職専門科目   教科専門科目  
This is a subject in the social collaboration area. 
学習の成果Based on the information given during the lecture, students are recommneded to relate them with real social issue. Through this process, students are expected to build up their insight about social change and business creation. 
授業の目標・概要等 Increase the participant’s potential to a level where the topics of startups and corporate management being discussed in the general society (e.g. Nikkei newspaper) are understood. 
授業計画 lesson1:Actual start-up of a venture ①
        Why start up a venture right now?
lesson2:Actual start-up of a venture ②
         Business model and foundation plan
lesson3:Start-up of a venture ③
         Company value and entrepreneurial finance
lesson4:Introduction to Corporate Management ①
         Vision, mission value, corporate management strategy
lesson5:Introduction to Corporate Management ②
         SWOT analysis, organizational theory, business ethics
lesson6:Introduction to corporate management ③
        Financial statement concepts and exercises
lesson7:Management Game ① (Exercise)
         Get familiar with the game
lesson8:Management Game ② (Exercise)
         Learn from the game
lesson9:Management game ③ (discussion, presentation)
         Deepen management thinking
lesson10:Product planning ①
         Basic concept of marketing, product strategy and cohort analysis
lesson11:Product planning ②
         How to get market data, positioning analysis
lesson12:Product planning ③
         Concept formation, resource constraints
lesson13:Right of idea ①
         Think about entitlement based on your own ideas
lesson14:Making Ideas Right ②
         Make a statement of rights based on your idea
lesson15:Creating an Innovation Ecosystem ①
         Postwar history of Japan and the current situation

Lesson16: Formation of Innovation Ecosystem ②
         Examples of global initiatives

No examination, Submission of assignment each time 
教科書・参考書等 [Reference book]
Ryo Natsuto "Introduction to Strategic Planning Theory and Practice of Corporate Strategy Planning" (Sanno University Press)
Hiroshi Ueda et al. "Small and Medium Enterprises / Venture Enterprises" (Yuikaku Compact)
Lam Charan, Yoichi Yamaoka (Translation) "The secret of business is learning from Indian street vendors" (Kadokawa Shoten)
Bill Orette, Kiyoko Tsukisawa (Translation) "Business Creation" (Diamond)
【詳細情報】 Text・Handout・Voice text・Picture(Video/PC/Other) 
Common to each episode: Increase your chances to interact with media coverage such as news programs daily, newspaper economics and business magazines, and get interested in entrepreneurship and company managements. If you write down words that you do not understand and create your own glossary, you will naturally be able to see the world's issues.
Lecture (9): After the discussion, presentation opportunities are given to students. You will be instructed to put it in one PowerPoint (A4) sheet. Bring your PC and make sure that you have an environment where you can use PowerPoint (if it is difficult, you can substitute other software). 
Students will learn while participating in lectures and exercises. Please avoid being absent. In the case of a public absence, please contact the instructor in advance if possible. 
成績評価の基準等 Evaluation will be based on the total score (100 points) of each submission of the assignments. We may also consider some of your attitudes toward the class, etc. 
実務経験 有り  
The professor has a wider experience in product strategy and product planning in a car manufacture, and also in starting up a subsidery of the company in Mexico. Lectures are given based on the real business experience in addition to business theories. 
メッセージ Until now, you might have heard some management terms and concepts that you do not know but thought that you do not dare to ask for the explanation. Some of these terms and concepts will be shown and explained in the lecture when you can recheck them. 
その他 In case of difficulty in understanding the lecture in English, Japanese handouts will be provided with supplimental explanation in Japanese as required basis. 