広島大学学生の「居場所」に関するアンケート調査へのご協力のお願い/Request for your cooperation in a Questionnaire survey on Hiroshima University student's “Third-Place” 2024/12/19
現在、広島大学 都市・建築計画学研究室では、広島大学構内とその周辺を含めたエリア(以降「対象エリア」下図参照)の魅力向上に向けた研究を行っております。
We, the Urban and Architectural Planning Laboratory, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, would like to request your cooperation in completing a questionnaire survey.
Please fill out the questionnaire at the following URL.
We welcome the opinions of not only Japanese students but also international students.
Thank you for your cooperation.
【Purpose of the Survey】
The Urban and Architectural Planning Laboratory of Hiroshima University is currently conducting research to improve the attractiveness of the Hiroshima University campus and its surroundings (hereinafter: “Target area”; see figure below). As part of this research, we intend to ask Hiroshima University students about their actual conditions and opinions regarding “Third-Place”.