Hiroshima University Syllabus

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Academic Year 2024Year School/Graduate School Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Doctoral Course) Division of Educational Sciences Educational Design for Teacher Educators Program
Lecture Code WNBD0065 Subject Classification Specialized Education
Subject Name 特別研究
Subject Name
Subject Name in
Special Study
ニシハラ タカユキ
Campus Higashi-Hiroshima Semester/Term 1st-Year,  First Semester,  First Semester
Days, Periods, and Classrooms (1st) Tues9-10:Faculty Office
Lesson Style Seminar Lesson Style
(More Details)
Discussion, presentation, and tutorial. The teaching method are determined after talking with participants.  
Credits 1.0 Class Hours/Week   Language of Instruction B : Japanese/English
Course Level 7 : Graduate Special Studies
Course Area(Area) 24 : Social Sciences
Course Area(Discipline) 08 : Curriculum and Instruction Sciences
Eligible Students Doctor course students
Keywords Linguistic approaches to ELT, SDG_04 
Special Subject for Teacher Education   Special Subject  
Class Status
within Educational
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Criterion referenced
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Class Objectives
/Class Outline
In this course, students make presentations and discussion about their research topic. Research tutorials on various ELT-related issues are given from linguistic perspectives. 
Class Schedule lesson 1 Presentation by Students (What is an academic paper?)
lesson 2 Presentation by Students (Preparation for writing an academic paper)
lesson 3 Presentation by Students (Procedure for writing an academic paper)
lesson 4 Presentation by Students (How to develop your idea)
lesson 5 Presentation by Students (How to stress the importance of your research)
lesson 6 Presentation by Students (How to summarize the background of your research)
lesson 7 Presentation by Students (How to explain the method of your research)
lesson 8 Presentation by Students (How to describe the results of your research)
lesson 9 Presentation by Students (How to develop the discussion section of your paper)
lesson 10 Presentation by Students (Title and abstract of your paper)
lesson 11 Presentation by Students (Good presentation materials)
lesson 12 Presentation by Students (Good presentations)
lesson 13 Presentation by Students (Use of simple language for academic papers and presentations)
lesson 14 Research methodology (Quantitave research)
lesson 15 Research methodology (Qualitave research)

Reference materials are introduced by the instructor as needed. Necessary materials are provided by the instructor.  
PC or AV used in
(More Details) Handouts, PCs, PC softwares, and relevant materials including books and academic journals 
Learning techniques to be incorporated  
Suggestions on
Preparation and
Read the relevant articles critically and analyze your data thoroughly. Make your presentation logical and comprehensible.  
Requirements Materials are distributed online. Therefore, students should bring their own PCs to class. 
Grading Method Performance on discussion (50%) and presentations (50%).   
Practical Experience  
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it  
Message The instruction language changes according to the participants' linguistic background. Both English and Japanese materials are used. 
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes.
Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. 
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