Hiroshima University Syllabus

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Academic Year 2024Year School/Graduate School Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Master's Course) Division of Educational Sciences Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Program
Lecture Code WND12150 Subject Classification Specialized Education
Subject Name 日本語教育学演習
Subject Name
Subject Name in
Study of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language
コグチ ユキコ,ドウホウ マナ
Campus Higashi-Hiroshima Semester/Term 1st-Year,  Second Semester,  4Term
Days, Periods, and Classrooms (4T) Tues1-4:EDU L108
Lesson Style Seminar Lesson Style
(More Details)
Seminar, Group discussion, Presentation 
Credits 2.0 Class Hours/Week   Language of Instruction J : Japanese
Course Level 6 : Graduate Advanced
Course Area(Area) 24 : Social Sciences
Course Area(Discipline) 07 : Education
Eligible Students
Keywords Japanese language education, Japanese language teaching grammar, Japanese language teaching practice research, Japanese language acquisition research using corpora, Japanese language acquisition research based on learners' errors, research on teaching materials 
Special Subject for Teacher Education   Special Subject  
Class Status
within Educational
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Criterion referenced
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Class Objectives
/Class Outline
This course is a follow-up course for the introductory SLA course. It is designed to allow students to work on a research project and data analysis so as to help them develop a skills to use various research techniques in SLA.  
Class Schedule lesson1 Orientation
lesson2 How to read research papers
lesson3 Analyzing research papers
lesson4 Reviewing research papers critically
lesson5 Identifying problems in previous research
lesson6 Forming research questions
lesson7 Evaluating research questions
lesson8 Reformulating research questions
lesson9 Research methods
lesson10 Planning a research project
lesson11 Pilot study
lesson12 Revising the research plan
lesson13 Analysing the results of the pilot study
lesson14 Discussing the results
lesson15 Synthesis

Textbook (to be purchased before then for use in the on-demand lecture):
Introduction to Corpus Japanese Language Research Using "Chunagon" (in Japanese), Hitsuji Shobo/ 『「中納言」を活用したコーパス日本語研究入門』ひつじ書房

Reference book:
A small Japanese language study starting from a single word" Hitsuji Shobo/『一語から始める小さな日本語学』ひつじ書房
Japanese Language Education and Nihongo Gaku by Topic-based Corpus" Hitsuji Shobo/『話題別コーパスが拓く日本語教育と日本語学』ひつじ書房 
PC or AV used in
(More Details)  
Learning techniques to be incorporated  
Suggestions on
Preparation and
Address the prior tasks and attend the lesson. Group presentation and test development seminar will be conducted for the task. 
Requirements This class is a more practical class based on the knowledge acquired in the "Special Course in Japanese Language Education. For this reason, students are required to take the "Special Course in Japanese Language Education" in 3T before enrolling in this course. (If you wish to start with the exercises under special circumstances, please contact the instructor in charge in advance.) 
Grading Method Presentation (30%), report (40%) , class discussion (30%)  
Practical Experience  
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it  
Message This course is a more practical course based on the knowledge acquired in the "Special Course in Japanese Language Education". For this reason, students are required to take the "Special Course in Japanese Language Education" offered in 3T before enrolling in this class. In this class, students will mainly become familiar with the use of corpus search tools, such as "Chunagon," BCCWJ, and I - JAS.
If you wish to take this class from 4T for special reasons (e.g., timing of entry into Japan), please contact the instructor by e-mail. 
Other (Note) This class is not a "Japanese language" class for international students. This is a specialized course for training Japanese language teachers. 
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes.
Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. 
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