Academic Year |
2024Year |
School/Graduate School |
Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education |
Lecture Code |
81169001 |
Subject Classification |
Specialized Education |
Subject Name |
ドイツ語コミュニケーション・スキルアップIIIB |
Subject Name (Katakana) |
ドイツゴコミュニケーション・スキルアップサンビー |
Subject Name in English |
Advanced Communication in German IIIB |
Instructor |
Instructor (Katakana) |
ヨシミツ タカコ |
Campus |
Higashi-Hiroshima |
Semester/Term |
2nd-Year, Second Semester, 3Term |
Days, Periods, and Classrooms |
(3T) Mon9-10:IAS J101 CALL |
Lesson Style |
Seminar |
Lesson Style (More Details) |
Face-to-face |
Instruction language: mostly Japanese, but German, too. |
Credits |
1.0 |
Class Hours/Week |
2 |
Language of Instruction |
Japanese |
Course Level |
Undergraduate High-Intermediate
Course Area(Area) |
Language Education |
Course Area(Discipline) |
German |
Eligible Students |
As a general rule, registered students for the program |
Keywords |
Listening in German |
Special Subject for Teacher Education |
Special Subject |
Class Status within Educational Program (Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students) | To improve listening abilities in order to achieve language competence defined in Building Trilingual Program |
Criterion referenced Evaluation (Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students) | |
Class Objectives /Class Outline |
In this class, students can learn the vocabulary, expressions and grammar necessary for basic communication in everyday life in German-speaking countries. Together with Advanced Communication in German IA-IVA, IB-IVB, IC-IVC, you can achieve the A2 level of the CEFR set by the Council of Europe. We'll also deal with German culture as well as language, and provide opportunities to consider the cultural differences between Japan and Germany. |
Class Schedule |
In this term you will learn:
1. Useful expression in conversation on the A1 to A2 level 2. Writing a short text 3. Reviewing the vocaburary
You must submit the homework previously. In the class, we will discuss the homework.
Homework Final Examination |
Text/Reference Books,etc. |
『自己表現のためのドイツ語2〈プラス〉』板山・塩路・本河・吉満著/三修社 (この教科書は1年次のインテンシブクラスで使用したものです) |
PC or AV used in Class,etc. |
Text, Handouts, Audio Materials, Visual Materials, moodle |
(More Details) |
Please see the information on moodle. |
Learning techniques to be incorporated |
Discussions, Paired Reading, Role Play, Flip Teaching, Post-class Report |
Suggestions on Preparation and Review |
It is advisable to learn vocabulary independently at your own pace. Also, to keep up with the teaching contents, you have to do your homework regularly. |
Requirements |
Grading Method |
40%:contribution to the class; homework 60%:final exam |
Practical Experience |
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it |
Message |
Other |
It is strongly recommended to take the course from the 1st term consecutively. |
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes. Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. |