Hiroshima University Syllabus

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Academic Year 2024Year School/Graduate School School of Engineering
Lecture Code K9998011 Subject Classification Specialized Education
Subject Name 卒業論文
Subject Name
Subject Name in
Graduation Thesis
イチカワ タカユキ,スズキ ヤスヒロ,ミヨシ アキラ,マツムラ ユキヒコ,ササキ ゲン,オガタ ヨウイチ,ヤマダ ケイジ,タナカ リュウタロウ,ヒノ リュウタロウ,エンドウ タクマ,キクウエ リョウ,イバラキ ソウイチ,カワノ ユウ,ジョウザキ トモユキ,オオクラ カズヒロ,ムラマツ ヒサヨシ,ヤマサキ コウタロウ,チェ ジョンウォン,グオ ファンキン,チョウ モウリ,イケジョウ キヨタカ,マツギ カズヒロ,イワモト タケシ,ヤマモト モトミチ,スギオ ケンジロウ,ワダ ノブタカ,ナンバ シンイチ,シモクリ ダイスケ,アケボノ ヒロユキ,チェ ヨンボン,カジモト ツヨシ,キム ウキョン,エンドウ サトル,セキヤ カツヒコ,エグチ トオル
Campus Higashi-Hiroshima Semester/Term 4th-Year,  First Semester,  Year
Days, Periods, and Classrooms (Year) Inte
Lesson Style Research Lesson Style
(More Details)
Project Research 
Credits 5.0 Class Hours/Week   Language of Instruction J : Japanese
Course Level 4 : Undergraduate Advanced
Course Area(Area) 25 : Science and Technology
Course Area(Discipline) 10 : Integrated Engineering
Eligible Students 4th year students in Cluster 1 (Mechanical Systems, Transportation, Material and Energy); the credit requirements in Cluster 1 should be met
Keywords bachelor thesis 
Special Subject for Teacher Education   Special Subject  
Class Status
within Educational
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Based on all the learnings in the undergraduate courses, a student will research real-world engineering issues in a research group under academic supervision of the faculties.

Criterion referenced
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Program of Mechanical Systems Engineering
(Abilities and Skills)
・Developing the ability of solving the technological issues with flexible ideas and creativity.
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Cultivating abilities of communication and of internationally collecting information and releasing it

Program of Transportation Systems
(Knowledge and Understanding)
・Cultural subjects: Acquiring general knowledge from viewpoints of Nature, Human and Society Science, and the understanding of a sense of ethics.
・Mathematical and mechanical subjects: To understand basic knowledge of mathematical dynamical system, which is essential knowledge for engineers and researchers.
・Information engineering subjects: To acquire understanding and basic knowledge required for engineers and researchers.
・The area of structural engineering: The ability to apply the technical knowledge on structural engineering to solve issue related with transportation equipment and coexistence with the environment
・The area of environmental engineering and fluid dynamics: Technical knowledge on environmental engineering and fluid dynamics relating to transportation equipment and coexistence
・The area of systems: Technical knowledge on systems, information and transportation systems relating to transportation equipment and coexistence with the environment
(Abilities and Skills)
・Cultural subjects: The ability of multilaterally thinking of matters from viewpoints of Nature, Human and Society Science.
・Mathematical and mechanical subjects: Ability to create questions and analyze by utilizing basic knowledge of mathematical dynamical systems.
・Information engineering subjects: Information processing ability based on mathematics and mechanics.
・The area of structural engineering: The ability to apply the technical knowledge on structural engineering to solve issue related with transportation equipment and coexistence with the environment
・The area of environmental engineering and fluid mechanics: The ability to use technical knowledge on environmental engineering and fluid dynamics to solve issues relating to transportation equipment and coexistence with the environment
・The area of systems: The ability to apply technical knowledge of systems, information and transportation systems to solve issues relating to the areas of transportation equipment and coexistence with the environment
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Ability of design and action: Ability of constructing designs and getting projects done in related to transportation equipment and coexistence with the environment.
・Ability of communication transmission: Communication and information transmission ability necessary for an engineer and researcher.

Program of Material Processing
(Abilities and Skills)
・Developing the ability of solving the technological issues with flexible ideas and creativity.
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Cultivating abilities of communication and of internationally collecting information and releasing it

Program of Energy Transform Engineering
(Abilities and Skills)
・Developing the ability of solving the technological issues with flexible ideas and creativity.
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Cultivating abilities of communication and of internationally collecting information and releasing it

Program of Electrical,Systems and Information Engineering
(Abilities and Skills)
・Ability to solve pracitical issues and problems by voluntarily making a plan, revising it, and utilizing basic and technical knowledge and methods.
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Creative thinking ability and logical thinking skills to analyze practical problems and tasks, and to lead to rational solutions satisfying social needs, as well as technical development skills to physically realize the solutions.
・Skills to organize research results and to describe them logically including the significance and the effectiveness of the obtained outcomes as well as to make easy-to-understand oral presentations and discussions.
・Ability of English conversation, reading and writing skills necessary for research accomplishment.

Program of Electronic Devices and Systems
(Abilities and Skills)
・Ability to solve pracitical issues and problems by voluntarily making a plan, revising it, and utilizing basic and technical knowledge and methods.
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Creative thinking ability and logical thinking skills to analyze practical problems and tasks, and to lead to rational solutions satisfying social needs, as well as technical development skills to physically realize the solutions.
・Skills to organize research results and to describe them logically including the significance and the effectiveness of the obtained outcomes as well as to make easy-to-understand oral presentations and discussions.
・Ability of English conversation, reading and writing skills necessary for research accomplishment.

Program of Applied Chemistry
(Knowledge and Understanding)
・Advanced technical knowledge of applied chemistry.
・The conception ability based on logical thinking supported by basic and technical knowledge.
(Abilities and Skills)
・The quality to be able to understand technologies and their social effects, and to fullfill the resopnsibility as researchers ・engineers to contribute to society.
・The knowledge on economy, safety and reliability of technologies, and the judgment ability to utilize them from global point of view.
・Creativity to solve various problems related to applied chemistry utilizing acquired knowledge and skills
・Socially acceptable sense of moral and designing ability of research and development, which allow demonstrating the ability to solve issues as a researcher ・engineer.
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Self-motivating and continuous learning ability
・Attitudes actively trying to take multiple approaches for solving problems as an independent researcher or engineer utilizing the following items: information collection, skill improvement, development of research methods, analysis and understanding of research outcomes and results.
・Abilities for logical description, presentation, and discussion in Japanese language.
・Ability to collect and send information from international views.
・International sense to deal with problems from global perspectives.

Program of Chemical Engineering
(Knowledge and Understanding)
・To improve multiple thinking ability and understanding of relations among human, society, nature, and engineering.
(Abilities and Skills)
・Definite learning of basic chemistry and chemical engineering and cultivation of application ability
chemical engineering application
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Developing the flexible adapting ability and creativity and cultivating motivation for self-development and self-improvement
・Improvement of  presentation and communication ability and cultivation of application ability to high informatization.

Program of Biotechnology
(Knowledge and Understanding)
・Understanding of relations among human, society, nature, and engineering. (Target A)
(Abilities and Skills)
・Acquisition of basic and advanced skills relating to biotechnology and life science. (Target/ Research class)
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Cultivation of ability creating concept and solving problesms (achievement target D)
・Cultivation of communication skills (achievement target E)

Program of Civil and Environmental Engineering
(Knowledge and Understanding)
・General culture and  breadth of vision
(Abilities and Skills)
・Ability to structuralize problems
・Ability to analyze  problems
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Ability to discover problems
・Ability for evaluation
・Abbility of communication
・Ability to achieve and ability to solve the problem

Program of Architecture and Building Engineering
(Knowledge and Understanding)
・Understanding on learning basic engineering knowledge. (Being able to explain basic contents of mathematics, physics and information technology.  Being able to apply the basic contents to architecture and building engineering)
(Abilities and Skills)
・Understanding on cultivation of expert knowledge and ability for architecture and building engineering.  ((2) Comprehensive and advanced knowledge and ability to develop basis for building engineers.  Being able to summarize documents of the advanced contents on either a), b) or c)
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・Understanding on cultivation of design capacity.  (Being able to indicate issues and to propose solutions for given subjects from various points of views.  Being able to understand the social background of their researchs and to propose the research plans for their theses.)
・Understanding on cultivation of communication ability. ((1) International communication ability.  Being able to introduce themselves to foreigners and make communications.  Being able to read and write technical papers on architecture and building engineering using dictionaries.)  ((2) Communication ability in Japanese.  Being able to introduce their own ideas to audience and to have questions and answers session.  Being able to prepare persuasive materials.  Being able to fully understand technical papers on architecture and building engineering (graduation theses for example) and to prepare manuscripts to convey the research results.)
・Understanding on education for self-development and self-improvement.  (Being able to collect materials related to recent problems)
・Understanding on cultivation of ability for planning and exercising  (Being able to accomplish their subjects and to summarize the results within a time limit.  Experiencing collaborative works through experiments, practices and graduation theses.). 
Class Objectives
/Class Outline
The objective of this class is to improve the comprehensive ability required for professional engineers by completing a particular research project which needs broad and high-level knowledge obtained from disciplinary education and education in liberal arts. 
Class Schedule Each student will join a research group and work for a research project.

After a student joins a research laboratory, the supervisor(s) provides guidance to the student in each laboratory. Although the research activities include different contents and depend on the laboratories, students generally can receive research guidance and advices from the supervisor(s) with respect to definition of research topic, planning of research work, writing thesis, mid-term/final presentation, and so on.

1. Definition of research topic, making research plan and beginning research works
Students define the particular research topic and make the research plan under the advice of supervisor(s). They are expected to cultivate themselves by participating in the weekly seminar and the experiments at their laboratories and by receiving individual advices from their supervisors. This enables students to conduct their research works by their own hands.
Meanwhile, students are also requested to collect and review the related research papers previously published in order to understand the background of their topic well. Moreover, reading English papers relevant to their research fields, students can improve their reading skill for them.

2. Mid-term presentation
Students provide the oral presentation on objectives and plans of the research project and the progress of it. They should devise the contents and speech in their presentations to have the audience understand their presentation contents, and they have to prepare to correctly answer the questions from the audience. Furthermore, paying attention to the questions and comments in their presentations, students improve their research projects.

3. Writing thesis
Students write their own graduation thesis based on the results obtained through the research project. There, they should write coherent texts which explain how they could derive the conclusions obtained from the obtained results (or data) and specify the significance and validity of the conclusions.

4. Final presentation
Students defend their graduation thesis in a final oral presentation. They should devise their abstracts for the handouts and the contents and speech in presentation to help the audience understand the essential contents of research results easily and well. They are also required to precisely response to the questions from the audience. 
Supervisors instruct the references and textbooks relevant to particular research theme.
Students are required to read over and understand them well to conduct their research project.  
PC or AV used in
(More Details) PC and projector for presentation, Textbooks・Handouts・Audio materials・Visual materials. 
Learning techniques to be incorporated  
Suggestions on
Preparation and
It is highly expected that students follow the guidance and instructions of supervisor(s) and make efforts to collect and categorize references, prepare for experiments and investigations, analyze the obtained data. 
Grading Method The score is graded by a mid-term presentation, a final presentation and the graduation thesis submitted. 
Practical Experience  
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it  
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes.
Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. 
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