Hiroshima University Syllabus

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Academic Year 2024Year School/Graduate School School of Dentistry Program of Oral Health Sciences Program for Oral Health Science
Lecture Code J1606140 Subject Classification Specialized Education
Subject Name 災害医療・歯科法医学
Subject Name
Subject Name in
Disaster Dentistry and Forensic Odontology
アイカワ トモナオ,ナガオ マサタカ,オカ ヒロコ,カワグチ ヒロユキ
Campus Kasumi Semester/Term 3rd-Year,  Second Semester,  3Term
Days, Periods, and Classrooms (3T) Mon5-6:DEN Large Lecture Rm
Lesson Style Lecture Lesson Style
(More Details)
Lecture, Seminar, Group discussion 
Credits 1.0 Class Hours/Week   Language of Instruction B : Japanese/English
Course Level 3 : Undergraduate High-Intermediate
Course Area(Area) 27 : Health Sciences
Course Area(Discipline) 02 : Dental Sciences
Eligible Students
Special Subject for Teacher Education   Special Subject  
Class Status
within Educational
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Criterion referenced
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Oral Health Science
(Knowledge and Understanding)
・Knowledge and understanding on principles of medicine
・Knowledge and understanding of basic behavior as a dental profession.
・Knowledge and understanding of structure and function of human body, teethes, and oral.
・Knowledge and understanding of social systems related to oral health and prophylactics.
・Knoweldge and understanding of specialities related to dental hygienist (dental disease prevention, dental treatment assist, detal health guidance) 
Class Objectives
/Class Outline
In this course, you learn the basic knowledge of forensic odontology and disaster dentistry necessary as dental professionals.

Class Objectives
① You explain the roles of dentists, dental hygienists, and dental technicians in times of disaster.
② You explain medical/ dental care system under the disasters and points to be noted.
③ You explain needs of dental care in the disasters.
④ You explain the concept and definition of death and biological death of an individual.
⑤ You explain the social obligations and legal obligations of dentists, dental hygienists and dental technicians (regarding cause of death investigation etc.).
⑥ You explain forensic autopsies in Japan.
⑦ You explain the procedures and methods of forensic odontology examination of victims of incidents, accidents, and disasters, as well as the relevant laws and regulations.
⑧ You explain the examinations and appraisal of injuries related to dentistry with some examples.
⑨ You explain signs of abuse and how to do for that.
⑩ You explain methods for dental identification of individuals.  
Class Schedule lesson1: Oct.7 (Mon)12:50-14:20

Disaster Dentistry/Forensic Odontology
Introduction/ Disasters in Japan
Disaster Dentistry
Relationship between the medical system and dentistry under the disasters
Dental health care system under the disasters

lesson2: Oct. 7(Mon)14:35-16:05

Forensic Odontology
Death and Laws, Postmortem changes

lesson3:Oct. 21(Mon)12:50-14:20
Forensic Odontology
Damage, abnormal environment, suffocation

lesson4: Oct. 28 (Mon)12:50-14:20

Forensic Odontology
Abuse and its symptoms or pathologies on oral and maxillofacial area

lesson5: Nov. 5(Tue)16:20-17:50

Disaster Dentistry
Dentistry in team medical care under the disasters

lesson6: Nov. 11(Mon)12:50-14:20

Disaster Dentistry
Supporting People following Crisis Events

lesson7: Nov. 18(Mon)12:50-14:20

Forensic Odontology
Disaster Victims Identification (DVI) by dental findings

lesson8: Nov. 25(Mon)12:50-14:20

Disaster Dentistry/ Forensic Odontology
Personal identification/ Identification by dental findings
法歯科医学 基礎知識から臨床・災害時の対応まで/永末書店
Manual of Forensic Odontology 5th Edition/ASFO
PC or AV used in
(More Details)  
Learning techniques to be incorporated  
Suggestions on
Preparation and
Before attending this class, you should understand "the medical safety", "ensuring the quality" and "safety of medical care", "laws for dental professions", "handling of health care information", "types and applications of dental materials" and "radiation protection".
We strongly recommend to have at least one textbook about Forensic Medicine or Forensic Odontology.
Before the first lesson, you should master how to use Moodle system.
Requirements (1) 2/3 attendance (attendance to 6 or more lectures) is required to be eligible for grade evaluation.
(2) In the case of face-to-face style lesson, “attendance” means the person who has "checked the attendance bar code in the classroom" and "sent the comment sheet to Moodle without any blank spaces".
(3) Face-to face style lessons: 2 lates (5 mins or more) = 1 absence
(4) Regarding the description of the reflection part, just saying "I have no idea." ,"It was an interesting lecture", “ Thank you for the lecture.” and similar contents without any detail reflections shall be treated as the "blanks". = 0 point/ 10 points
(5) About the distance-style lesson, students who have submitted thereflection and the mini-test (without any blanks) within the each deadline will be evaluated as "Attendance".
(6) An absence for which the student with a valid reason; if the student notifies the PIC within 2 days of your return or recovering, the student get an opportunity to submit the designated assignment (10 points) to be counted as "attendance. Assignments will be given after the notification of absence.
(7) When you make a report, you have to cite materials in an appropriate manner. Reports that are found to be plagiarized or stolen are not accepted. Reports that are submitted with little or no verification of the AI's own work. Malicious cases will be disposed of according to the HU rules.
(8) In the case that Moodle system cannot work on the deadline day due to official reasons, the submission deadline will be extended for two days after Moodle system is recovered.
(9) Before attending this class, you should understand "the medical safety", "ensuring the quality" and "safety of medical care", "laws for dental professions", "handling of health care information", "types and applications of dental materials" and "radiation protection".
(10) We strongly recommend to have at least one textbook about Forensic Medicine or Forensic Odontology.

Grading Method Assignments
1. A reflection (2 points) and mini tests before/after for each lecture (8 points)
Submit onto Moodle
10 points x 8 lectures = 80 points

2. A repot about “Forensic Odontology/ Disaster Dentistry”
The topics will be indicated at the first lesson
20 points
(1) The total score of the reflection, mini-tests and an assignment report:  60 or more points= PASS
(2) No late submissions will be accepted after the respective due dates.
(3) If the above (1) and (2) are less than 60 points, a separate test will be imposed on the range of content that has not reached 60%. This test is conducted only once.
(4) If the score is less than 60 points in (1) and (2) above: Not PASS. No additional examination/ assessment will be conducted.
Practical Experience Experienced  
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it The members of the Center for Cause of Death Investigation Research & Education will be in charge for "Forensic Odontology". 
Other Before the first lesson, you should master how to use Moodle system.  
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes.
Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. 
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