Academic Year |
2024Year |
School/Graduate School |
School of Medicine Program of Health Sciences Division of Nursing |
Lecture Code |
I3147001 |
Subject Classification |
Specialized Education |
Subject Name |
助産診断学 |
Subject Name (Katakana) |
ジョサンシンダンガク |
Subject Name in English |
Diagnostics in Nurse-Midwifery |
Instructor |
Instructor (Katakana) |
フジモト サオリ,null,ムラカミ マリ |
Campus |
Kasumi |
Semester/Term |
3rd-Year, Second Semester, Intensive |
Days, Periods, and Classrooms |
(Int) Mon1-8,Tues1-8:HSC 504 |
Lesson Style |
Lecture |
Lesson Style (More Details) |
lecture, discussion |
Credits |
4.0 |
Class Hours/Week |
Language of Instruction |
Japanese |
Course Level |
Undergraduate High-Intermediate
Course Area(Area) |
Health Sciences |
Course Area(Discipline) |
Nursing and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Eligible Students |
Keywords |
Pregnant woman, puerperal, fetus, newborn, midwifery diagnosis,Practical work experience |
Special Subject for Teacher Education |
Special Subject |
Class Status within Educational Program (Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students) | |
Criterion referenced Evaluation (Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students) | Nursing (Abilities and Skills) ・Knowledge and understanding of the ability to practice nursing based on grounds premeditatedly ・Knowledge and understanding of the practice ability to be concerned with a maintenance increase of the health, the prevention of the illness, knowledge of the ability for practice about recovery of the health and a maintenance increase of the understanding health, the prevention of the illness, recovery of the health |
Class Objectives /Class Outline |
To learn the knowledge and concepts necessary to develop the midwifery process during pregnancy and labor, and learn midwifery planning through paper-based case studies. |
Class Schedule |
lesson1:Guidance, about midwifery diagnosis lesson2:Diagnosis of pregnancy lesson3:Midwifery diagnosis of gestational cases (early and mid-term pregnancy) [information gathering and assessment]. lesson4:Midwifery diagnosis of gestational cases (early and mid-term pregnancy) [assessment]. lesson5:Midwifery diagnosis of gestational cases (early and mid-term pregnancy) [sharing and discussion]. lesson6:Midwifery diagnosis of gestational age cases (early and mid-term pregnancy) [overall picture, diagnosis, goal setting, and planning]. lesson7:Midwifery diagnosis of gestational cases (early and mid-term pregnancy) [sharing and discussion]. lesson8:Midwifery diagnosis of gestational cases (late pregnancy) [information gathering and assessment]. lesson9:Midwifery diagnosis of gestational age cases (late pregnancy) [overall picture, diagnosis, goal setting, and planning]. lesson10:Midwifery diagnosis of gestational cases (late pregnancy) [sharing and discussion]. lesson11:Midwifery diagnosis of gestational cases (late pregnancy) [sharing and discussion]. lesson12:Diagnosis during labor and delivery, Physiology of labor, Psychosocial changes during the parturition period lesson13:Physical Assessment during labor and delivery1 lesson14:Physical Assessment during labor and delivery2 lesson15:Physical Assessment during labor and delivery3 lesson16:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (at time of call)[information gathering , assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, and planning]. lesson17: Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (at time of call) [sharing and discussion]. lesson18:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (admission)[information gathering , assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, and planning]. lesson19:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (admission) [sharing and discussion]. lesson20:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (First stage of delivery1)[information gathering , assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, and planning]. lesson21:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (First stage of delivery1) [sharing and discussion]. lesson22:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (First stage of delivery2)[information gathering , assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, and planning]. lesson23:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (First stage of delivery2) [sharing and discussion]. lesson24:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (First stage of delivery3)[information gathering , assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, and planning]. lesson25:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (First stage of delivery3) [sharing and discussion]. lesson26:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (Second stage of delivery)[information gathering , assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, and planning]. lesson27:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (Second stage of delivery) [sharing and discussion]. lesson28:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (Third/Forth stage of delivery)[information gathering , assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, and planning]. lesson29:Midwifery diagnosis of peripartum cases (Third/Forth stage of delivery) [sharing and discussion]. lesson30:Written examination lesson31:Feedback and summary |
Text/Reference Books,etc. |
教科書 助産学講座2~8巻,医学書院
参考書 1)助産師基礎教育テキスト2, 4~7巻,日本看護協会出版会 2)助産学講座2~4巻,医学書院 3)最新産科学 正常編・異常編,文光堂 4)標準産科婦人科学 第4版,医学書院 6)CG動画でわかる!分娩のしくみと介助法,メジカルビュー社,2016. 7) 胎児心拍数モニタリング集中トレーニング―胎児心拍数モニタリング自己学習用CD-ROM付,メディカ出版,2010. 8) 胎児心拍数モニタリング講座 改訂3版,メディカ出版,2017. 9) 中井章人:図説CTGテキスト,メジカルビュー社,2016. 10) 日本版救急蘇生ガイドライン2020に基づく新生児蘇生法テキスト第4版,メジカルビュー社,2021. 11)新生児学入門第5版,医学書院,2018 12) 新生児ベーシックケア 家族中心のケア理念をもとに,医学書院,2011. 13)日本産科婦人科学会/日本産婦人科医会 編集・監修:産婦人科診療ガイドライン-産科編2023 14)(社)日本助産学会 ガイドライン委員会:エビデンスに基づく助産ガイドライン-妊娠期・分娩期 2020 |
PC or AV used in Class,etc. |
(More Details) |
textbook, handout |
Learning techniques to be incorporated |
Suggestions on Preparation and Review |
Students are strongly recommended to read the textbooks. |
Requirements |
Grading Method |
Grading will be based on written examination. |
Practical Experience |
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it |
Message |
Other |
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes. Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. |