Academic Year |
2024Year |
School/Graduate School |
School of Medicine Program of Medicine |
Lecture Code |
I1501301 |
Subject Classification |
Specialized Education |
Subject Name |
生命・医療倫理学I |
Subject Name (Katakana) |
セイメイイリョウリンリガク |
Subject Name in English |
Exercise in Medical and Clinical Engineering 1 |
Instructor |
Instructor (Katakana) |
サカイ ノリオ,ハスヌマ ナオコ,クラタ アキコ |
Campus |
Kasumi |
Semester/Term |
1st-Year, Second Semester, 4Term |
Days, Periods, and Classrooms |
(4T) Mon5-6:MED Rm 5 |
Lesson Style |
Lecture |
Lesson Style (More Details) |
Face-to-face, Online (simultaneous interactive), Online (on-demand) |
Lecture-centered, discussion, debate |
Credits |
1.0 |
Class Hours/Week |
2 |
Language of Instruction |
Japanese |
Course Level |
Undergraduate Introductory
Course Area(Area) |
Health Sciences |
Course Area(Discipline) |
Medical Sciences |
Eligible Students |
Year 1 Second Semester |
Keywords |
bioethics, medical ethics, medical history |
Special Subject for Teacher Education |
Special Subject |
Class Status within Educational Program (Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students) | Learn ethical knowledge and the attitude required of doctors. |
Criterion referenced Evaluation (Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students) | |
Class Objectives /Class Outline |
To understand the importance of ethics in health care and medicine, learn specific ethical issues in health care and medicine, and acquire the ability to resolve those issues. |
Class Schedule |
See the 「医学部医学科授業概要」
A submission or a report is required after each group of lessons. Follow instructions given in class. |
Text/Reference Books,etc. |
Nothing specified. Handouts distributed in each lecture, course materials on WebCT |
PC or AV used in Class,etc. |
Handouts, Audio Materials, Visual Materials, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Forms, Other (see [More Details]), moodle |
(More Details) |
Handouts, audio teaching materials, images (videos, PC, other image materials), WebCT |
Learning techniques to be incorporated |
Discussions, PBL (Problem-based Learning)/ TBL (Team-based Learning), Flip Teaching, Post-class Report |
Suggestions on Preparation and Review |
When an assignment is given it should be submitted via WebCT as soon as possible. |
Requirements |
This course includes lectures given by part-time lecturers from outside the university; students are expected to behave politely to lecturers |
Grading Method |
See the 「医学部医学科授業概要」 |
Practical Experience |
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it |
Message |
This course places a great emphasis on your attitude as a medical student; you should work hard with a positive attitude. |
Other |
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes. Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. |