Hiroshima University Syllabus

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Academic Year 2024Year School/Graduate School School of Education
Lecture Code CC601036 Subject Classification Courses for Professional Teaching
Subject Name 教育相談
Subject Name
Subject Name in
Educational Counseling
ノサカ ミチヨ,イシダ ユミ
Campus Higashi-Hiroshima Semester/Term 3rd-Year,  Second Semester,  Intensive
Days, Periods, and Classrooms (Int) Inte:EDU K201,EDU L205
Lesson Style Lecture Lesson Style
(More Details)
Credits 2.0 Class Hours/Week   Language of Instruction J : Japanese
Course Level 3 : Undergraduate High-Intermediate
Course Area(Area) 24 : Social Sciences
Course Area(Discipline) 06 : Psychology
Eligible Students Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Applie Biological Science, Faculty of Informat
Keywords Educational counseling, Student guidance, Psychological support, School counseling, Clinic psychology,Practical work experience 
Special Subject for Teacher Education   Special Subject  
Class Status
within Educational
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Criterion referenced
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Elementary School Teacher Education
(Abilities and Skills)
・Being able to inquire what the class guidance and student guidance ought to be in elementary schools on the basis of children's actual situation (Practical student guidance ability).

Special Support School Teacher Education
(Knowledge and Understanding)
・Having basic knowledge and understanding on the significance of elementary education and the teaching profession, and theories and methodologies of subject teaching, which are required to obtain fundamental teaching certificates.

Secondary School English Language Education
(Knowledge and Understanding)
・Have understanding about adolescent learners

(Knowledge and Understanding)
・To acquire advanced psychological knowledge. 
Class Objectives
/Class Outline
I will lecture on basic knowledge and skill of the educational counseling in the school. You will learn about  methods of the support for the children and their protectors who are in a maladaptive state. 
Class Schedule Lesson 1  Educational counseling(Significance and tasks)
Lesson 2  Educational counseling(Actually)
Lesson 3  Basic psychiatric knowledge of psychological problem of
Lesson 4 School refusal(Understanding and support)
Lesson 5  The issue of bullying(Understanding and support)
Lesson 6  Developmental educational counseling
Lesson 7  Delinquency and antisocial activity(Understanding and
Lesson 8  Unusual habits(Understanding and support)
Lesson 9  Cooperative System in School
Lesson 10  Cooperation with Other Organization
Lesson 11  Developmental disabilities(Understanding and support)
Lesson 12  Support for Protectors
Lesson 13  Theory and actually of counseling
Lesson 14  Teacher's mental health
Lesson 15 Theory and actually of mental health

Term-end examination at Lesson 16. (Closed book examination) 
Textbook: 「教師教育講座 第11巻 教育相談 改訂版」(石田 弓編著,協同出版)(Ishida. Ed. "Kyoshi Kyouiku Koza Dai11kan Kyouikusoudan" (Counseling Seminar for Teachers Vol.11 Teacher Guidance" Revised edition)), Materials based on the textbook are provided in class. Other reference books are introduced in class when needed. Types of audiovisual aids used (DVD, OHP, etc.) 
PC or AV used in
(More Details) Audiovisual aids (DVD/PC/Other image materials) 
Learning techniques to be incorporated  
Suggestions on
Preparation and
Lesson 1:Review the textbook (Chapter 1) as much as possible.
Lesson 2: Review the textbook (Chapter 1) as much as possible.
Lesson 3: Review the textbook (Chapter 3)  as much as possible.
Lesson 4: Review the textbook (Chapter 4)  as much as possible.
Lesson 5: Review the textbook (Chapter 5)  as much as possible.
Lesson 6: Review the textbook (Chapter 12)  as much as possible.
Lesson 7: Review the textbook (Chapter 6)  as much as possible.
Lesson 8: Review the textboo (Chapter 7) k as much as possible.
Lesson 9: Review the textbook (Chapter 9)  as much as possible.
Lesson 10: Review the textbook (Chapter 10)  as much as possible.
Lesson 11: Review the textbook (Chapter 8)  as much as possible.
Lesson 12: Review the textboo (Chapter 11) k as much as possible.
Lesson 13: Review the textboo (Chapter 13) k as much as possible.
Lesson 14: Review the textbook (Chapter 2)  as much as possible.
Lesson 15: Review the textbook (Chapter 2)  as much as possible.
Requirements Limited to students in Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Applie Biological Science or Faculty of Informatics and Data Science)
Specialized subject:Theory and method of educational counseling.
Needed to have basic knowledge about Specialized subject such as Educational and Vocational Guidance, have interests in educational counseling or other counseling and have eagerness and good attitude to deal with human's mental problems." 
Grading Method Short report in class (60%), Term-end examination (40%) 
Practical Experience  
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it  
Message There are many things that students who want to be a teacher in the future have to know well. Use your imagination, understand them precisely and then utilize them for education practice.  
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes.
Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. 
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