Hiroshima University Syllabus

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Academic Year 2024Year School/Graduate School School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Department of Integrated Global Studies
Lecture Code ARC40101 Subject Classification Specialized Education
Subject Name Invitation to Integrated Global Studies Ⅱ(国際共創へのいざないⅡ)
Subject Name
コクサイキョウソウヘノイザナイ II
Subject Name in
Invitation to Integrated Global Studies II
フンク カロリン エリーザベト ハンナ,コンドウ マサユキ,コマダ ナツキ,リグスビー カーティス アンドリュー,ヨシダ マリコ,ゾレット シモーナ,カワグチ ケンタ,オウ ソクン,カワモト ナオエ,ヤマダ トシヒロ,ヤマネ タツオ,ヴィレヌーヴ マスミ,シバタ ミキ,カネコ シンジ,カタヤナギ マリ,イワモト ヨウコ,カケエ トモコ,グラジディアン マリア ミハエラ,シラカワ トシユキ,タファナー ロバート ホースト,ジャン ギョンゼ,ホサカ テツロウ,ニシ マコト,タナカ シンペイ,ワタナベ チホ
Campus Higashi-Hiroshima Semester/Term 1st-Year,  Second Semester,  3Term
Days, Periods, and Classrooms (3T) Mon5-8:IAS K203
Lesson Style Lecture/Seminar Lesson Style
(More Details)
In this Omnibus course lectures will be provided by a number of faculty members each week which will cover the three areas within IGS. Mini-lectures, pair work, group work, and discussions will be used to help learn the content material. 
Credits 2.0 Class Hours/Week   Language of Instruction E : English
Course Level 1 : Undergraduate Introductory
Course Area(Area) 23 : Arts and Humanities
Course Area(Discipline) 13 : Area Studies
Eligible Students IGS 1st-year students
Keywords Welcome to IGS;
How do you achieve integrated studies? 
Special Subject for Teacher Education   Special Subject  
Class Status
within Educational
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Criterion referenced
(Applicable only to targeted subjects for undergraduate students)
Integrated Global Studies
(Knowledge and Understanding)
・The knowledge and understanding to fully recognize the
mutual relations and their importance among individual
academic disciplines.
(Abilities and Skills)
・The ability to specify necessary theories and methods for the consideration of important issues.
・The ability to summarize one's own research in reports or academic papers, deliver presentations at seminars or research meetings, and explain it in an easy way so that people in different cultures and areas of specialization understand.
(Comprehensive Abilities)
・The ability to conduct research proactively by combining knowledge,  understanding, and skills for the tasks, based on flexible creativity and imagination.
・The ability to take action cooperatively to advance research to resolve the problem by sharing issues with people from different cultures and areas of specialization, and explaining one’s own ideas logically and simply. 
Class Objectives
/Class Outline
In omnibus-style “Invitation to Global Integrated Studies II”, IGS faculty will introduce their research area and its relation within the three fields. Students will learn to associate various global topics with the three fields. At the conclusion of “Invitation to Global Integrated Studies II”, students will receive an explanation about how to choose their field, set up a study plan and how to use e-Portfolio. 
Class Schedule Oct.7 Lesson 1: Introduction Funck sensei
Oct. 7 Lesson 2: Introduction Funck sensei
Oct. 16 Lesson 3: Peace and Communication: Taferner Sensei
Oct. 16 Lesson 4: Peace and Communication: Kakee Sensei
Oct. 21 Lesson 5: Peace and Communication: Yamane Sensei
Oct. 21 Lesson 6: Peace and Communication: Shibata Sensei
Oct. 28 Lesson 7: Culture and Tourism: Jang Sensei, Kawamoto Sensei, Rigsby Sensei, Zollet Sensei
Oct. 28 Lesson 8: Culture and Tourism: Jang Sensei, Kawamoto Sensei, Rigsby Sensei, Zollet Sensei, Rigsby Sensei
Nov. 7 Lesson 9: Culture and Tourism: Nishi Sensei,  Funck Sensei, Wang Sensei
Nov. 7 Lesson 10: Culture and Tourism: Nishi Sensei,  Funck Sensei, Wang Sensei
Nov.11 Lesson 11: Environment and Society: Kaneko Sensei, Yamada Sensei, Villeneuve Sensei, Hosaka Sensei, Iwamoto Sensei, Shirakawa Sensei, Tanaka Sensei, Watanabe Sensei, Kondoh sensei, Kawaguchi sensei,
Komada sensei,Yoshida Sensei
Nov. 11 Lesson 12: Environment and Society: Kaneko Sensei, Yamada Sensei, Villeneuve Sensei, Hosaka Sensei, Iwamoto Sensei, Shirakawa Sensei, Tanaka Sensei, Watanabe Sensei, Kondoh sensei, Kawaguchi sensei,Yoshida Sensei
Komada sensei
Nov. 18 Lesson 13: Environment and Society: Kaneko Sensei, Yamada Sensei, Villeneuve Sensei, Hosaka Sensei, Iwamoto Sensei, Shirakawa Sensei, Tanaka Sensei, Watanabe Sensei, Kondoh sensei, Kawagucsensei,
Komada sensei,Yoshida Sensei
Nov. 18 Lesson 14: Environment and Society: Kaneko Sensei, Yamada Sensei, Villeneuve Sensei, Hosaka Sensei, Iwamoto Sensei, Shirakawa Sensei, Tanaka Sensei, Watanabe Sensei, Kondoh sensei, Kawaguchi sensei,Yoshida Sensei
Komada sensei
Nov. 25 Lesson 15: Consolidation Funck sensei

The schedule is subject to change. 
Materials will be supplied by the Professors. 
PC or AV used in
(More Details) PowerPoint presentations, PDF files, and handouts. 
Learning techniques to be incorporated  
Suggestions on
Preparation and
You will use a dictionary during class time.
Previewing vocabulary prior to each lesson is necessary for classroom participation. 
Requirements This course is exclusively for IGS students. 
Grading Method In-class Assignments: 100%

Be sure to meet the deadline for submitting assignments.
In principle, assignments past the deadline will not be accepted.

The late submission will not be accepted unless you have a valid reason such as sickness. If you cannot meet the deadline under the unavoidable situation, inform the instructor who has given the assignment of the reason and ask them for a new deadline immediately. However, note that your score may be lower by some percentage.

This lecture is required.
Without these credits, not only will students not be able to graduate, but they will not be able to advance to the fourth grade. Many students study abroad in the fall semester in the second year, so be aware that if you fail in the first year, you will only have one chance to repeat the course in order to graduate in four years. Please take it seriously. 
Practical Experience  
Summary of Practical Experience and Class Contents based on it  
Message This class will be conducted face-to-face. All students should bring their computer and headset (microphone) to class.
Some classes will be conducted online, and classes switch to online in case of special weather warnings etc. Please check Momiji and your mail for information daily.
Other 1. If you miss a class you should obtain handouts from a classmate and complete homework prior to the next class in order to receive a grade.
2. The use of phones during class will not be allowed.
3. Students must ask permission to leave class. 
Please fill in the class improvement questionnaire which is carried out on all classes.
Instructors will reflect on your feedback and utilize the information for improving their teaching. 
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