
年度 2024年度 開講部局 人間社会科学研究科博士課程前期教育科学専攻国際教育開発プログラム
講義コード WNEA0054 科目区分 専門的教育科目
授業科目名 Special Study(October 2024 Master's Students)
英文授業科目名 Special Study(October 2024 Master's Students)
担当教員名 三輪 千明
ミワ チアキ
開講キャンパス 東広島 開設期 1年次生   後期   年度
曜日・時限・講義室 (年) 集中
授業の方法 演習 授業の方法
Student's presentation and discussion 
単位 4.0 週時間   使用言語 E : 英語
学習の段階 5 : 大学院基礎的レベル
学問分野(分野) 24 : 社会科学
学問分野(分科) 07 : 教育学
対象学生 Master's students of the International Education Development Program
教職専門科目   教科専門科目  
授業の目標・概要等 This seminar is intended to help students to acquire knowledge and analytical skills necessary to conduct research on early childhood care and education (ECCE) or primary education in developing countries, and to write a master's thesis.
During the first year, students will read key literature according to their research interests, and develop their own research objective and questions. They continue relevant literature reviews, develop a theoretical framework, and make a fieldwork plan. At the end of the first year, students should submit the literature review results, and make a presentation on their research progress to the sub-advisors.
In the second year, all the collected data through a fieldwork are analyzed to answer the research questions. Students make a periodic progress report on their research in the seminar, and improve it through discussion and comments. The first thesis draft should be submitted to the main advisor in May of the second year, which should be continuously revised for improvement based on the advisor’s comments before its final submission to the office.  
授業計画 <The first semester of the first year>
Session 1: Introduction, Overall schedule of the seminar, Reading materials for research methods.  
Sessions 2-14: Each session will start with a study on research methods for 30 minutes, followed by one presenter presenting his/her work in progress. The presenter will receive comments and feedback for improvement from the academic advisor as well as through Q+A and discussion with the other students in the seminar.  
Session 15: Students should submit the results of their literature review.
<The second semester of the first year>
Sessions 16-29: Same as Sessions 2-14.
Session 30: Students should submit the results of their revised literature review, and a finalized fieldwork plan. They are also expected to make a presentation of their research progress to the sub-advisors.
<The first semester of the second year>
Session 1: Introduction, Overall schedule of the seminar, Reading materials for research methods.
Sessions 2-14: Each session will start with a study on research methods for 30 minutes, followed by one presenter presenting his/her work in progress. The presenter will receive comments and feedback for improvement from the academic advisor as well as through Q+A and discussion with the other students in the seminar.  
Session 15: Students should submit a summary of their mid-term presentation with preliminary findings to the academic advisor.
<The second semester of the second year>
Sessions 16-22: Same as Sessions 2-14.
Session 23: Students should submit a first draft of their Master’s thesis at the end of May to the academic advisor.
Session 24-29: Same as Sessions 2-14.
Session 30: Students should submit the revised Master’s thesis to the academic advisor.

The sessions will be held 9:30-12:00 on Fridays.   
教科書・参考書等 Reading materials will be decided according to the students’ research interests. For research methods, students are asked to buy relevant textbooks.  
【詳細情報】 Handouts, and a computer and a projector for presentation 
Presenters are expected to be fully ready for the presentation. The other participants should actively participate in discussion. After the class, presenters should reflect well upon the questions and comments given in the discussion for further improvement of their research. 
成績評価の基準等 Participation in discussion (20%), Presentation (20%), and Assignments (60%). 