年度 |
2024年度 |
開講部局 |
人間社会科学研究科博士課程前期教育科学専攻国際教育開発プログラム |
講義コード |
WNE00301 |
科目区分 |
専門的教育科目 |
授業科目名 |
Non-formal Education |
授業科目名 (フリガナ) |
ノンフォーマルキョウイクロン |
英文授業科目名 |
Non-formal Education |
担当教員名 |
三輪 千明 |
担当教員名 (フリガナ) |
ミワ チアキ |
開講キャンパス |
東広島 |
開設期 |
1年次生 前期 2ターム |
曜日・時限・講義室 |
(2T) 火1-4:オンライン,国際206号 |
授業の方法 |
講義 |
授業の方法 【詳細情報】 |
Lectures, discussion, and student presentations. The course is basically run online by Zoom, whose URL will be announced in the Moodle site. |
単位 |
2.0 |
週時間 |
使用言語 |
英語 |
学習の段階 |
学問分野(分野) |
社会科学 |
学問分野(分科) |
教育学 |
対象学生 |
授業のキーワード |
SDG_04 |
教職専門科目 |
教科専門科目 |
プログラムの中での この授業科目の位置づけ (学部生対象科目のみ) | |
到達度評価 の評価項目 (学部生対象科目のみ) | |
授業の目標・概要等 |
This course focuses on Non-Formal Education (NFE), which has important implications in achieving the development agenda in developing and developed nations. The primary objectives of this course are: understanding the theoretical background and practices of NFE and discussing its significance and issues in the context of developing countries. The course is divided into three parts. The first part starts with the definition of NFE and explains its theoretical background. The second part provides an overview of the relations between NFE and the development agenda of developing and developed worlds from different perspectives. The third part analyses its significance and issues through various case studies. A successful completion of the course will enable students to 1) understand theories related to non-formal education, 2) explain relationships between NFE and the Development Agenda from different perspectives, and 3) apply the acquired knowledge and skills for subsector analysis of NFE in a given country. |
授業計画 |
Part I: NFE and its theoretical background Session 1 Introduction, What is NFE? Session 2 Theories related to NFE 1: Andragogy Session 3 Theories related to NFE 2: Freire and Critical pedagogy Session 4 Theories related to NFE 3: Experiential learning and Situated learning Session 5 Theories related to NFE 4: Transformative learning Session 6 Theories related to NFE 5: Community participation in education Part II: NFE and Development agenda Session 7 SDGs and NFE Session 8 Various approaches of NFE Session 9 Planning of NFE Session 10 Evaluation of NFE Session 11 Equivalency program Part III: Significance and issues of NFE through case studies Session 12 NFE in Japan Session 13 Case study 1: Students' presentation Session 14 Case study 2: Students' presentation Session 15 Final wrap-up
Students are required to write final-term papers. |
教科書・参考書等 |
A detailed reading list will be provided in the first session, and copies of the materials are uploaded in the Moodle course site when available. |
授業で使用する メディア・機器等 |
【詳細情報】 |
授業で取り入れる 学習手法 |
予習・復習への アドバイス |
Students are expected to have read the assigned readings before each session, and actively participate in discussions. For the 1st and the 2nd sessions, please visit the course site in Momiji beforehand, and download and read the relevant reading materials. |
履修上の注意 受講条件等 |
成績評価の基準等 |
Participation in discussion (20%), Student presentation (20%), and Final-term paper (60%) |
実務経験 |
実務経験の概要と それに基づく授業内容 |
メッセージ |
その他 |
すべての授業科目において,授業改善アンケートを実施していますので,回答に協力してください。 回答に対しては教員からコメントを入力しており,今後の改善につなげていきます。 |