
年度 2024年度 開講部局 人間社会科学研究科博士課程前期人文社会科学専攻国際平和共生プログラム
講義コード WMG03501 科目区分 専門的教育科目
授業科目名 Peace and Heritage of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
英文授業科目名 Peace and Heritage of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
ファン デル ドゥース ルリ
開講キャンパス 東広島 開設期 1年次生   前期   1ターム
曜日・時限・講義室 (1T) 火5-8:国際206号
授業の方法 講義 授業の方法
単位 2.0 週時間   使用言語 E : 英語
学習の段階 5 : 大学院基礎的レベル
学問分野(分野) 24 : 社会科学
学問分野(分科) 05 : 社会学
対象学生 M1, M2, D1
授業のキーワード Strategic Peace, Memory Studies, Critical Heritage Studies, War and Conflict, Identity, Post-disaster reconstruction, Peace Education, Contents Tourism, SDG_1, 4, 11, 13, 16 & 17  
教職専門科目   教科専門科目  
授業の目標・概要等 This interdisciplinary course introduces aspects of the legacies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that have contemporary ramifications. The main objectives are the following: (1) examine the factors that contributed to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; (2) explore the history, science and human consequences of the nuclear bombings; (3) examine the sociocultural roles that memories and memorial practices play; and (4) investigate the contested issues of heritage and identity. 
授業計画 第1回 Introduction to the class and Concepts of Peace Studies (4/9)
第2回 Introduction to the Studies of Memory and Heritage (4/9)
第3回 The Atomic-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki I (4/16) Online
第4回 The Atomic-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki II (4/16) Online
第5回 Rescue, Relief and Emergency Recovery I (4/23) Online
第6回 Rescue, Relief and Emergency Recovery II (4/23) Online
第7回 Reconstruction, Rebuilding, and Rebirth of Communities I (5/7)
第8回 Reconstruction, Rebuilding, and Rebirth of Communities II (5/7)
第9回 Heritage and the Identity Issues I: Loss of Identities (5/14)
第10回 Heritage and the Identity Issues II: New-found Identities (5/14)
第11回 Heritage and the Identity Issues III: Hibakusha (5/21)
第12回 Heritage and the Identity Issues IV: Peace City Hiroshima (5/21)
第13回 Presentations (5/28)
第14回 Presentations (5/28)
第15回 Review of the Class (6/4)

Assessment will be based on: an end-of-term report (40%); two presentations (40%); and regular participation and contribution to classroom activities (20%).

The language of instruction is English, but some reading and audio-visual materials will be provided in Japanese with English subtitles. 
教科書・参考書等 The instructor will provide relevant reading materials and a list of recommended literature during classes.  
【詳細情報】 Students who require special assistance are expected to contact the instructor at the earliest opportunity before the first lesson. Reasonable accommodation shall be provided to the best of the instructor's capacity and knowledge.  
A list of recommended literature will be provided. Students are encouraged to read the literature critically and form an argument backed by evidence to prepare for a class discussion each week. 
The language of instruction is English, but some reading and audio-visual materials will be provided in Japanese with English subtitles. 
成績評価の基準等 An end-of-term report (40%), two presentations (40%), and regular attendance and participation in classroom activities (20%). 
実務経験 有り  
The instructor has ample experience and insights in the communities of international organizations and academic and business worlds, having served as a communication consultant while conducting international joint research projects at the UK and EU universities and international organisations. 
メッセージ Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been working with the memory of the atomic bombings for nearly eight decades, while establishing themselves as cities of collective consciousness that aspire to universal peace. The experience of these cities and their people has much to teach us. This course will help you to develop flexible attitudes and international perspectives on contested legacies, and to develop constructive ideas for conflict resolution and peace-building. 
その他 You are encouraged to visit peace heritage sites and/or monuments during this course.  