
年度 2024年度 開講部局 人間社会科学研究科博士課程前期人文社会科学専攻国際平和共生プログラム
講義コード WMG00201 科目区分 専門的教育科目
授業科目名 Peace and Conflict Research I
英文授業科目名 Peace and Conflict Research I
担当教員名 山根 達郎
ヤマネ タツオ
開講キャンパス 東広島 開設期 1年次生   後期   3ターム
曜日・時限・講義室 (3T) 水1-4:国際206号
授業の方法 講義 授業の方法
Lecture, Discussion, Presentation
Face-to-face class 
単位 2.0 週時間   使用言語 E : 英語
学習の段階 6 : 大学院専門的レベル
学問分野(分野) 24 : 社会科学
学問分野(分科) 02 : 政治学
授業のキーワード International Relations, Peace and Conflict, Realism, Liberalism, International Security, Security Governance,
Europe, Africa, Asia, America, the Middle East, State Failure, Regime Change, International Order and Regional Conflict, Humanitarian Intervention, Terrorism, Conflict Prevention, Peacemaking, Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping, Peacebuilding, Democratization, Civil Society, Sovereignty, United Nations, the UN Security Council, the European Union, the African Union
教職専門科目   教科専門科目  
授業の目標・概要等 Aims:
This class will provide academic knowledge for the understanding of contemporary armed conflicts and ways and means of conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and conflict prevention in International Relations (IR).  
For your deep understandings of this subject, participants are recommended to learn basic knowledge of IR and International Law at the undergraduate level by studying the further point of views from the relevant books in the second and third year in undergraduate before joining this class (in MA course).

This course is divided into two parts (peace and Conflict Research I and II) as follows. The first part ("Peace and Conflict Research I") is for understandings of historical and theoretical perspectives and case studies of contemporary armed conflicts. Significantly, historical knowledge of the sovereign state system provides us with a compass to designate where we are chronologically and geographically in international and domestic arenas. The first part also focuses on contemporary armed conflict setting caused by political, economic, and social elements. The second part ("Peace and Conflict Research II") will provide more specific studies about how international society tries to tackle those conflicts. Among the various peace operations to solve them, the lecturer will pay attention to the three perspectives: the UN security governance, the EU security governance, and the AU security governance.

Each day of class will be divided into two parts; lecture part (90 minutes), and students' presentation and discussion (90 minutes) (Active participation is required.)
Students are required to read reading assignments and have their presentations during the class to promote a proactive discussion among the participants.

Study Goal of the Subject:
Students with the completion can
-get a basic understanding of the sovereign state system and history of peace and war, especially after the 1990s featuring contemporary armed conflicts and authorized intervention over the territorial borders and its challenges.
-cultivate an awareness of global issues, especially on peace and conflict and rethink the importance of a wide variety of international thoughts and concepts through international dialogue for peace.
-get a part in academic discussions on international peace and conflict, which constitutes a gateway for further arguments in the area.
授業計画 lesson1
Lecture part: War and Peace: The Background History of IR
Presentation part: Students' presentation
Studying Realism and Liberalism
Presentation part: Students' presentation
Sovereignty, State failure and Contemporary Armed Conflicts
Presentation part: Students' presentation
External Intervention and Regime Change Dynamics
Presentation part: Students' presentation
Peacebuilding and Human Security
Presentation part: Students' presentation


Submission of term paper
教科書・参考書等 The details will be introduced in Lesson 1. 
【詳細情報】 PPT 
Lecturer recommends participants to take time for the appropreate preparation to vitalize discussion based on reading materials in this class.
L.2: Read a part of the following books (or part of the books.)
Part Two [Historical part], Baylis, John, and Smith, Steve (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: Introduction to International Relations, Oxford University Press, 2020.
Anderson, B., Imagined Communities, Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (first published in 1983), Verso, 2016.
Carr, E.H., The Twenty Year’s Crisis 1919-1939 Reissued with the New Preface from Michael Cox, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Jackson, R., Sovereignty, Polity, 2007.
L.3: Read the following textbook.
Part Three [on Theories], Baylis, John, and Smith, Steve (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: Introduction to International Relations, Oxford University Press, 2020.
Cavelty, M.D., and Balzacq, T. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Security Studies (2nd Edition), Routledge, 2017.
Lamont, C., Research Methods in International Relations (2nd Edition), Sage Publishing, 2022.
L.4: Check the flowing references as many as you can access.
Fearon, J. and Laitin, D., “Neotrusteeship and the Problem of Weak States,” International Security”, International Security, 28(4) (Spring, 2004), 5-43.
Holsti, Kalevi J., The State, War, and the State of War, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Kaldor, M., The New and Old War: Organized Violence in Global Era (Second Edition), Polity, 2006.
Krasner, S., "Sharing Sovereignty: New Institutions for Collapsed and Failing States," International Security, 29(2) (Fall 2004), 85-120.
Lake, D. and Rothchild, D., “Containing Fear: The Origin and Management of Ethnic Conflict,” International Security, 21(2), 1996, 41-75.
Stedman, S.J., “Spoiler Problems in Peace Processes,” International Security, 22(2) (Fall, 1997), 5-53.
L.5: Read the following textbook.
Bellamy, A., and Wheeler, N., “Humanitarian Intervention in World Politics,” in Baylis, J. and Smith, S. (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics, 2020.
Check the following references.
Bellamy, A., The Responsibility to Protect: The Global Effort to End the Mass Atrocities. Polity, 2009.
Litwak, R.S., Regime Change: U.S. Strategy through the Prism of 9/11, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2007.
L.6: Check the following references.
Chandler, D., Peacebuilding: The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1997-2017, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
Karlsrud, J., “From Liberal Peacebuilding to Stabilization and Counterterrorism,” International Peacekeeping, 26(1), 2019, 1-21.
Paris, R., At War's End: Building Peace After Civil Conflict, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Paris, R. and Sisk, T., Dilemmas of Statebuilding: Confronting the Contradictions of Postwar Peace Operations, Routledge, 2009. 
Submission of presentation file and term paper written by registered students are required for this class participation.
成績評価の基準等 This class more than 10 times (among 15 times) at least. The class grade is based on registered student’s performance including submitted assignments and presentations (50%), and final paper (50%). 
実務経験 有り  
The instructor served the following practical oriented works.
-Special Assistant, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
-Director, Peacebuilding Project in Sri Lanka of Association Medical Doctors in ASIA (AMDA)
(These experiences will provide further understanding for the course through a practice-oriented view.) 
その他 (On your presentation(s))
Participant will choose a presentation material for their presentation in this course.
Focus on international politics, especially, armed conflict setting, conflict resolution and peacebuilding support, in terms of your area of interest, when you select the presentation contents.

Choose one or more article(s) for your presentation from a specified journals' list, which will be introduced in the lesson 1.

Within one week after the Class 1, email to teaching assistant and this instructor to notice your presentation article (the article information including author’s name, paper title, journal title, Vol. and No., and the DOI).
20 minutes’ presentation is followed by Q and A session.
Send the presentation file (PDF) to the instructor of this course.

More details will be noticed in the lesson 1. 