年度 |
2024年度 |
開講部局 |
人間社会科学研究科博士課程前期人文社会科学専攻法学・政治学プログラム |
講義コード |
WMD09700 |
科目区分 |
専門的教育科目 |
授業科目名 |
Medical Ethics and Law |
授業科目名 (フリガナ) |
メディカルエシクスアンドロウ |
英文授業科目名 |
Medical Ethics and Law |
担当教員名 |
担当教員名 (フリガナ) |
ムスラキス ジョージ |
開講キャンパス |
東千田 |
開設期 |
1年次生 後期 4ターム |
曜日・時限・講義室 |
(4T) 火5-8:東千田ミーティングルーム4-2 |
授業の方法 |
講義・演習 |
授業の方法 【詳細情報】 |
対面, オンライン(同時双方向型) |
講義中心、演習中心、板書多用、ディスカッション、学生の発表、野外実習、作業、薬品使用 |
単位 |
2.0 |
週時間 |
4 |
使用言語 |
英語 |
学習の段階 |
学問分野(分野) |
人文学 |
学問分野(分科) |
倫理学 |
対象学生 |
授業のキーワード |
Medicine, ethics, professional ethics, biomedical ethics, law, medical law |
教職専門科目 |
教科専門科目 |
プログラムの中での この授業科目の位置づけ (学部生対象科目のみ) | |
到達度評価 の評価項目 (学部生対象科目のみ) | |
授業の目標・概要等 |
This course is designed to introduce students to several ethical and legal issues arising from medical practice and to some of the key contemporary debates around the question of how medicine should be regulated. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: (a) Understand basic ethical and legal frameworks and explain how these frameworks can help us address contemporary problems in medical practice. (b) Clearly formulate their own positions on important issues in contemporary medical ethics and law and establish the compatibility of these positions with broader philosophical and legal principles. (c) Communicate a clear, coherent, and independent exposition of knowledge and analytical skills in class presentations. (d) Compose well-argued and well-written research papers that show understanding of and analytical engagement with the subject-matter. |
授業計画 |
第1回 Introduction to Medical Ethics and Law. 第2回 Foundations of Medical Ethics and Law; Ethics; Professional Ethics; Medical Ethics and Biomedical Ethics; Medical Law. 第3回 General Ethical Theories (Part 1); Consequentialism; Utilitarianism; Utilitarianism and Medical Ethics. 第4回 General Ethical Theories (Part 2); Deontological Theories; Virtue Ethics; Principlism; Principles of Biomedical Ethics. 第5回 History of Medical Ethics; Medical Ethics Oaths and Declarations (Part 1). 第6回 Medical Ethics Oaths and Declarations (Part 2). 第7回 Key Concepts in Medical Ethics and Law; Informed Consent; Capacity for Medical Decision-Making; Voluntariness. 第8回 Medical Negligence; Medical Negligence and Tort Law; Medical Negligence and Criminal Liability. 第9回 The Doctor-Patient Relationship (Part 1); Duties of Medical Professionals; Trust, Honesty and Truth Telling; Disclosure; Confidentiality. 第10回 The Doctor-Patient Relationship (Part 2); Conscience and Personal Beliefs; The Non-Discrimination Principle; Professional Boundaries. 第11回 Medical Research Ethics; The Nuremberg Code; The Declaration of Helsinki; International Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects in Clinical Trials. 第12回 Medical Ethics at the End of Life; Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide; Arguments for and against Euthanasia. 第13回 Legal Responses to Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide Around the World; Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide in Japan. 第14回 Organ Transplantation and the Commercialization of Human Biological Material: Ethical and Legal Perspectives. 第15回 Summary of course contents and presentation of the research carried out by students. |
教科書・参考書等 |
There is no set textbook for this course. Reading materials will be provided. Reference books and other sources will be included in the handouts delivered to the students. |
授業で使用する メディア・機器等 |
配付資料, 音声教材, 映像資料, Microsoft Teams |
【詳細情報】 |
授業で取り入れる 学習手法 |
予習・復習への アドバイス |
The instructor will expect students to have covered the prescribed reading by the end of the course. Students are encouraged to read more widely if they get interested in a topic or if they find the material difficult and want to start with a more basic introduction. |
履修上の注意 受講条件等 |
Admission into this course requires the successful prior completion of undergraduate introductory courses in law and competence in English. |
成績評価の基準等 |
Assessment for this course will be based on class participation, presentation of research in class and a written research report. Class participation: 20% Presentation of research paper in class: 30% Research report (2500-3000 words): 50% |
実務経験 |
実務経験の概要と それに基づく授業内容 |
メッセージ |
その他 |
すべての授業科目において,授業改善アンケートを実施していますので,回答に協力してください。 回答に対しては教員からコメントを入力しており,今後の改善につなげていきます。 |