年度 |
2024年度 |
開講部局 |
医系科学研究科博士課程前期 |
講義コード |
TB071103 |
科目区分 |
専門的教育科目 |
授業科目名 |
Global Health Challenges and Solutions 1 |
授業科目名 (フリガナ) |
グローバルヘルスチャレンジズアンドソリューションズ1 |
英文授業科目名 |
Global Health Challenges and Solutions 1 |
担当教員名 |
担当教員名 (フリガナ) |
ラフマン モハメド モシウル,モリヤマ ミチコ |
開講キャンパス |
霞 |
開設期 |
1年次生 後期 セメスター(後期) |
曜日・時限・講義室 |
(後) 金13:保205, (後) 金14 |
授業の方法 |
講義 |
授業の方法 【詳細情報】 |
対面, オンライン(同時双方向型) |
Seminar, Lecture and Discussion |
単位 |
2.0 |
週時間 |
2 |
使用言語 |
英語 |
学習の段階 |
学問分野(分野) |
健康科学 |
学問分野(分科) |
保健学 |
対象学生 |
Master's program |
授業のキーワード |
SDGs, Global Health, Solution |
教職専門科目 |
教科専門科目 |
プログラムの中での この授業科目の位置づけ (学部生対象科目のみ) | |
到達度評価 の評価項目 (学部生対象科目のみ) | |
授業の目標・概要等 |
This class is open to graduate students in Health Sciences, who intend to work on issues in local, country level, and/or worldwide. We will discuss SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and solutions introduced from UN (United Nations); also we will discuss using our real strategic approaches implemented in Japan and other countries. Special guest speakers for lecture and discussion will be invited.
Specific course objectives: After successful completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. Explain the global health strategies and estimate the Japan public health services and future needs. 2. Describe the development of international health and priority programs of sustainable development goals (SDGs). 3. Detect the impact of globalization and compute the challenges of urban health care management. 4. Identify the emerging & reemerging health threats and suitable approaches to overcome the situations. 5. Acknowledge the achievement of public health development and develop communication skills to reduce global health related burden. |
授業計画 |
第1回 Health and Development 第2回 Primary Health Care and SDGs 第3回 Poverty and Hunger 第4回 Population Sciences 第5回 Climate Action 第6回 Food and Nutrition 第7回 Emerging and Reemerging health threats 第8回 Global Maternal and Child Health Issues 第9回 Clean Water and Sanitation 第10回 Globalization and Urban Health Care Challenges 第11回 Injury and Violence 第12回 Population Aging and Mental Health 第13回 Global Environmental and Occupational Health 第14回 Mobile Health and New Technologies 第15回 Summary
A test/students' presentation will be arranged during the last lesson.
During the first session, students will select their theme working through the semester, based on your own specialty and interest. |
教科書・参考書等 |
1) Muennig P. & Su C. (2013). Introducing Global Health: Practice, Policy, and Solutions. 2) Friis R. H. (2012). Essentials of Environmental Health (Essential Public Health). 3) Guidotti T. L. (March 23, 2011). Global Occupational Health. 4) Parvanta C., Nelson D. E., Parvanta S. A. & Harner R. N. (2011). Essentials of Public Health Communication. 5) Hoque N., McGehee M. A., Bradshaw B. S. (2013). Applied Demography and Public Health. 6) Session handouts are available during class time. 7) Relevant journals. |
授業で使用する メディア・機器等 |
テキスト, 配付資料, 音声教材, 映像資料, Microsoft Teams |
【詳細情報】 |
PC |
授業で取り入れる 学習手法 |
ディスカッション, 小テスト/ クイズ形式, PBL(Problem-based Learning)/ TBL(Team-based Learning), 授業後レポート |
予習・復習への アドバイス |
Students are requested to go through the textbook, visit the relevant website and journals. They are also encouraged to have the basic preparation on the scheduled topic and pick up some difficult points for discussion. |
履修上の注意 受講条件等 |
Basic knowledge of global health and communication skill. |
成績評価の基準等 |
Attitude of participation and discussion in the classes: 60%, assignment report: 40% |
実務経験 |
実務経験の概要と それに基づく授業内容 |
Instructors have experience in global health researches. |
メッセージ |
Students are encouraged to study more about global health issues and how to contribute and find out the solutions. |
その他 |
Course details will be announced during the 1st session. |
すべての授業科目において,授業改善アンケートを実施していますので,回答に協力してください。 回答に対しては教員からコメントを入力しており,今後の改善につなげていきます。 |