
年度 2024年度 開講部局 ライティングセンター(大学院)
講義コード 8A001803 科目区分 専門的教育科目
授業科目名 Critical Reading of English and Multimodality
クリティカル リーディング オブ イングリッシュ アンド マルチモーダリティ
英文授業科目名 Critical Reading of English and Multimodality
ワン ティンジア
開講キャンパス 東広島 開設期 1年次生   後期   3ターム
曜日・時限・講義室 (3T) 月9-10,火9-10:オンライン
授業の方法 講義 授業の方法
単位 2.0 週時間   使用言語 E : 英語
学習の段階 5 : 大学院基礎的レベル
学問分野(分野) 21 : 社会人基礎
学問分野(分科) 06 : グローバリゼーション・国際協力
対象学生 All postgraduate students of all fields
授業のキーワード Critical reading, English text, English clause, text structure, English writing, cohesion, attitudinal meaning, content meaning, multimodal text 
教職専門科目   教科専門科目  
授業の目標・概要等 This course aims to equip graduate students with knowledge and lenses to assist students’ understanding about how English text is constructed. This course will guide students to read English text from a wide range of perspectives, including ideational, interpersonal, textual and multimodal. Through teaching the critical reading of English text construction, this course will further assist students’ planning, writing and revision of their own texts, such as essays, compositions, journal articles, and thesis. This course will further assist students in the critical reading and qualitative analysis of their research data, such as interview data, survey data and classroom observation data.

Ideational perspective focuses on the patterned construction of content meaning in English clauses; interpersonal meaning emphasizes the common construction of attitudinal meaning in English text; textual meaning provides a lens to examine the construction of cohesion in English text; multimodal refers to the combination of English text with other non-language resources, such as tables, diagrams, charts and image.
授業計画 第1回
Lesson 1 Introduction
The outline, the expectation, the assessment of this course and so on.
Students’ self-introduction of their research fields, topics.
The introduction of key concepts in this course: ideational, interpersonal, textual, multimodal.

Lesson 2 Introduction
The outline, the expectation, the assessment of this course and so on.
Students’ self-introduction of their research fields, topics.
In this lesson, students will collect a range of English texts related to their research topics for the later use in this course.

Lesson 3 Ideational meaning in English text
In this lesson, we will learn three ideational components in English clauses: participant, process, circumstance. We will use a range of text samples to learn different ways of constructing an English clause using these three ideational components.

Lesson 4 Ideational meaning in English text
In this lesson, students will practice reading English text from the ideational perspective and presenting the reading findings.

Lesson 5 Interpersonal meaning in English text
In this lesson, we will learn three attitudinal meanings in English text: affect, judgement, appreciation. We will use a range of text samples to learn different ways of delivering evaluations in English text.

Lesson 6 Interpersonal meaning in English text
In this lesson, students will practice reading English text from the interpersonal perspective and presenting the reading findings.

Lesson 7 Textual meaning in English text
In this lesson, we will learn three common cohesive devices for constructing cohesion in English text: Conjunction, Theme-Rheme structure, Theme-New structure. We will use a range of text samples to learn different ways of constructing cohesion in English text.

Lesson 8 Textual meaning in English text
In this lesson, students will practice reading English text from the textual perspective and presenting the reading findings.

Lesson 9 Ideational, Interpersonal, Textual meaning in English text
This lesson is a recap lesson of previous classes. We will apply previously learnt perspectives to understand the construction of English text.

Lesson 10 Ideational, Interpersonal, Textual meaning in English text
In this lesson, students will practice comprehensively applying the three perspectives (ideational, interpersonal, textual) on one English text and interpreting the communication purpose behind these text structures.

Lesson 11 Multimodal text I
In this lesson, we aim to learn the construction of ideational, interpersonal, textual meanings in multimodal text. Multimodal text refers to text including language (e.g., English text) and other non-language parts, such as diagrams, charts, image and so on.

Lesson 12 Multimodal text I
In this lesson, students will practice the critical reading of English text from the multimodal perspective, and present their findings from their critical reading.

Lesson 13 Multimodal text II
In this lesson, we will enhance the topic in Multimodal text I, and further discuss the interaction between image and language in English text.

Lesson 14 Multimodal text II
In this lesson, students will practice the critical discussion about the complementary relation between image and language, and have a reflection about the presentation of figures, tables in relation to the paragraphs surrounding these visualizations.

Lesson 15 Wrap up
This lesson will wrap up the course, respond to students’ questions, and provide students an opportunity to present their critical reading of an English text in the form of oral presentation.
教科書・参考書等 No textbook will be used. Students are encouraged to bring in their own materials to practice. Materials from the instructor will be provided during the class. 
【詳細情報】 PC – projector for PowerPoint - handouts - Microsoft Teams 
Lesson Instructions and relevant materials will be provided through email and/or uploaded on Teams before the class. Students are required to regularly check their Hiroshima email accounts and prepare each lesson before entering the class. Students are required to save the in-class practice outcomes from each lesson, which will be needed for the final exam. 
Students should have some experiences in English reading and writing. Students should have knowledge of basic academic etiquettes, such as checking the university email regularly, preparing lessons before entering a class, bringing required materials to attend a class, actively participating in class activities and so on.

Registration limit of this course is 30.
成績評価の基準等 Preparation & Attitude: 20%; Oral presentation: 50%; Reflective Writing: 30%

Oral presentation (50%) will be conducted in the final lesson 15 (10-15 minutes per student). It will include students’ critical reading of an English text. Students are required to submit the presentation materials for the final assessment in Lesson 15. The breakdown is presented below:
Ideational meaning: 10%
Interpersonal meaning: 10%
Textual meaning: 10%
Multimodal meaning: 10%
Communication goal of the text: 10%

Reflective Writing (30%) is an approximately 1000 word writing to respond following topics: What did you learn from this course? What are the aspects in your English reading and writing that need to be improved after taking this lesson? Why? And how?

Self-evaluative skills are significant to the development of English literacies, especially in students' own practice. The reflective writing (30%) is designed to examine whether students have developed a certain level of self-evaluative capacity by learning and practicing knowledge of critical reading in this lesson.  The content, the paragraphing and the grammar of the reflective writing will be assessed in the grading system.
メッセージ This course will be delivered and facilitated in English.
Students need to participate in the class discussion. Students need to ensure that the internet and the microphone function stably for the course.
その他 Students are encouraged to speak in this course, asking questions, participating in group discussions and so on. 