
年度 2024年度 開講部局 教養教育
講義コード 66271001 科目区分 社会連携科目
授業科目名 Academic Writing I
英文授業科目名 Academic Writing I
ワン ティンジア
開講キャンパス 東広島 開設期 1年次生   前期   1ターム
曜日・時限・講義室 (1T) 水5-8:総K207
授業の方法 講義 授業の方法
Lecture・Discussion ・Exercises 
単位 2.0 週時間   使用言語 E : 英語
学習の段階 1 : 入門レベル
学問分野(分野) 21 : 社会人基礎
学問分野(分科) 03 : キャリア教育
対象学生 All undergraduate students
授業のキーワード Academic Writing, English skills 
教職専門科目   教科専門科目  
To help students understand diversity in society and improve their ability to participate in and contribute to society through engaging in various practical activities. 
学習の成果1. To understand and be able to explain diversity in society.
2. To be able to think and act independently regarding their lifelong career development. 
授業の目標・概要等 This course offers an introduction to academic writing. Based on examples of real academic texts, students will learn how to structure a logical academic text. Students will be able to identify the key elements of an academic text such as the research question, thesis statement, introduction, methods section, discussion and conclusion. They will know what information a general academic audience expects in each of these sections.
Students will be expected to write a simple academic text themselves. This assignment will further help students learn the first steps of conducting basic research. 
授業計画 Lesson 1: Introduction: What is academic writing: characteristics and differences to other texts; style and language, Paragraph Writing: Topic sentence and supporting sentences
Lesson 2: Cohesion and Coherence: How to link ideas withing and across paragraphs Reading: how to find suitable literature; students select their topic and start looking for literature (5-6 academic papers)
Lesson 3: Planning the writing process: organizing information, Essay outline, formulating a research question and thesis statement,
Students submit their list of research papers
Lesson 4: Analysing the structure of an academic paper; what goes where? Essay Outline
Lesson 5: Avoiding Plagiarism: Referencing and Citing, Using other people’s work: paraphrasing, summarising and quoting
Lesson 6: A focus on paraphrasing – exercises on how to analyses and paraphrase a sentence
Lesson 7: The Introduction: what to include and how to be concise
Lesson 8: Task: Writing the Essay Introduction
Lesson 9: How to structure the Body of an essay
Peer-review: Students give each other feedback on their Introductions
Lesson 10: Task: Writing the Body of the essay
Lesson 11: What is a Conclusion?
Peer-review: Students give each other feedback on their essay body
Lesson 12: Task: Writing the Conclusion
Lesson 13: First Draft of the Essay Due & Editing, proof-reading and revising
Peer-review: Students give each other feedback on their conclusions.
Lesson 14: First Draft of the Essay Due & Teacher's Revision Advice.
Lesson 15: Final Draft of the Essay Due.
Wrap up

A Course Essay: 600-800 words, excluding references. The Essay consists of an introductory paragraph, a 2-3-paragraph body, and a concluding paragraph.

First draft of the Essay will be due in the week 7 class (lesson 13-14). Students will take the revision advice and revise the Essay to the final draft.

Final draft of the Essay will be due in the week 8 class (lesson 15). 
教科書・参考書等 Copies of required material will be provided to the students via Microsoft Teams.
Students should bring their laptops to class literature search and in-class writing tasks. 
【詳細情報】 Access to computers and audiovisual equipment is required. 
There will be homework assignments after some classes.  
Students are expected to prepare the materials provided by the lecturer and to actively participate in class. This course will include exercises and group work. 
成績評価の基準等 Homework and Tasks (e.g. outline, peer-review) 30%, Draft Essay 30 %, Final Essay 40% 
メッセージ This course will focus on exercises, group and pair work. The Medium of Instruction will be English,  
その他 Academic Writing I is a prerequisite for taking Academic Writing II in Term 2 