
年度 2024年度 開講部局 教養教育
講義コード 65271001 科目区分 領域科目
授業科目名 Introduction to International Cooperation
英文授業科目名 Introduction to International Cooperation
担当教員名 池田 亜美,掛江 朋子,吉田 修,谷口 京子,清水 欽也,中空 萌,馬場 卓也,後藤 大策,久保田 徹,藤原 章正
イケダ アミ,カケエ トモコ,ヨシダ オサム,タニグチ キョウコ,シミズ キンヤ,ナカゾラ モエ,ババ タクヤ,ゴトウ ダイサク,クボタ テツ,フジワラ アキマサ
開講キャンパス 東広島 開設期 1年次生   前期   1ターム
曜日・時限・講義室 (1T) 月1-4:総K203
授業の方法 講義 授業の方法
Lecture, discussion.
In-person classes are the main format for this course. Online lectures may be an option in case of necessary. 
単位 2.0 週時間   使用言語 E : 英語
学習の段階 1 : 入門レベル
学問分野(分野) 21 : 社会人基礎
学問分野(分科) 06 : グローバリゼーション・国際協力
対象学生 1st grade
授業のキーワード Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Education development, Peacebuilding, Development and culture, Sustainable architectural/urban planning, Disaster prevention, Poverty alleviation, Transportation planning 
教職専門科目   教科専門科目  
Area Courses(Courses in Arts and Humanities/Social Sciences) Category:Law / Political Sciences / Sociology / Economics / Education 
学習の成果This class explains and discusses (1) recent trends in international cooperation, global issues, and approaches to addressing them, and (2) case studies of research and international cooperation in diverse fields to deepen students’ understanding of the topic. 
授業の目標・概要等 This class introduces perspectives on studying international cooperation, explains various approaches to global issues, and then discusses examples of research and international cooperation in peace, culture, development technology, development policy, and education development. 
授業計画 lesson1 (April 8) Introduction “Let us think about international cooperation at Hiroshima University" (BABA Takuya and IKEDA Ami)
lesson2 (April 8) Recent trends in development assistance (IKEDA Ami)
lesson3 (April 15) Theory of international cooperation (1) from the field of peace and coexistence (KAKEE Tomoko)
lesson4 (April 15) Practice of international cooperation (1) JICA Partnership Program in Mindanao (YOSHIDA Osamu)
lesson5 (April 22) Theory of international cooperation (2) from the field of cultural anthropology (NAKAZORA Moe)
lesson6 (April 22) Practice of international cooperation (2) Aid, Development, and Culture (NAKAZORA Moe)
lesson7 (April 30) Theory of international cooperation (3) Evidence-based policy making in developing countries (GOTO Daisaku)
lesson8 (April 30) Practice of international cooperation (3) Impact evaluation of development programs (GOTO Daisaku)
lesson9 (May 13) Theory of international cooperation (4) from the field of education (SHIMIZU Kinya)
lesson10 (May 13) Practice of international cooperation (4) from the field of sport and educational development (TANIGUCHI Kyoko)
lesson11 (May 20) Theory of international cooperation (5) from the field of development technology (FUJIWARA Akimasa)
lesson12 (May 20) Practice of international cooperation (5) from the field of development technology (KUBOTA Tetsu)
lesson13 (May 27) Theory of international cooperation (6) Japan International Cooperation Agency: focusing on the technical cooperation in the field of education  (IKEDA Ami)
lesson14 (May 27) Practice of international cooperation (6) Activities of JICA expert in the field of educational development (IKEDA Ami)
lesson15 (June 3) Actors and their roles in development assistance and Wrap up (IKEDA Ami)

The topic and due date of final paper will be announced in class. 
教科書・参考書等 No particular textbook. If necessary, each lecturer will introduce relevant books/articles before or after class. 
After each class, it is recommended that students review the issues and approaches covered in the course, considering how they are discussed and applied not only in developing countries but also in Japan. 
成績評価の基準等 Evaluation will be done by;
- final report (80%) on one of the topics from the field of peace, culture, development technology, development policy, and educational development. Each student will choose one of them.
- active participation in each class (20%) 
実務経験 有り  
Several lecturers organize this course; some have worked as JICA staff or JICA experts in developing countries. These lectures will incorporate their own experiences into the discussion. 
メッセージ It is necessary to think of interdisciplinary approaches to address global issues. We expect the participation of students who would like to think seriously about how they can contribute to addressing challenges in the world and what they should learn in this university for that. 
その他 After each class, students are required to write a brief comment sheet on Moodle about what they learned or would like to learn more. This sheet will also be used to track attendance for the class. 