
年度 2024年度 開講部局 教養教育
講義コード 62056101 科目区分 領域科目
授業科目名 Contemporary Issues of Japan
英文授業科目名 Contemporary Issues of Japan
担当教員名 河本 尚枝
カワモト ナオエ
開講キャンパス 東広島 開設期 1年次生   前期   1ターム
曜日・時限・講義室 (1T) 金5-8:総K310
授業の方法 講義 授業の方法
Lecture, Discussion, Group work
This class is conducted in person. 
単位 2.0 週時間   使用言語 E : 英語
学習の段階 1 : 入門レベル
学問分野(分野) 23 : 人文学
学問分野(分科) 14 : 文化論
対象学生 All undergraduate students and HUSA students
授業のキーワード Japan, Culture, Society
Practical experience 
教職専門科目   教科専門科目  
Area Courses(Courses in Arts and Humanities/Social Sciences) Category:Anthropology / Geography / History 
学習の成果1. To be able to explain the formation and development processes and contemporary issues of each academic discipline.
2. To be able to explain historical and contemporary issues that span multiple academic disciplines from multifaceted perspectives. 
授業の目標・概要等 This course aims students to learn Japanese culture and society from various viewpoints and to practice cultural competency (or the ability to understand, interact, and work well with people of different cultures). 
授業計画 Lessons 1 & 2 (April 12)
Introduction to the course
Foundations of Japan

Lessons 3 & 4 (April 19)
Ie (家): Japan’s family system

Lessons 5 & 6 (April 26)
Socialization: how children are educated/disciplined in a family

Lessons 7 & 8 (May 1) 【Wednesday: Substitute class day】
The education system

Lessons 9 & 10 (May 10)
Classification and ethnic diversity in Japan

Lessons 11 & 12 (May 17)
Working life in Japan

Lessons 13 & 14 (May 24)
Government and the craft of politics

Lesson 15 (May 31)

Term-end report
*Details will be announced in the class.

Note: Schedule is subject to change. 
教科書・参考書等 Handouts will be distributed in class. 
【詳細情報】 DVD, PC 
Homework is assigned in all classes. Finish homework and submit them in time. Late submission will NOT be accepted.  
Please note the following points.

1. Bring your laptop to the classroom
You will work in a group or individually in each class and upload a task sheet to Moodle. You will also fill in the online comment sheet in class. Task sheets and comment sheets are included in the evaluation. Make sure to bring your laptop to the classroom.

2. Study in English
In this course, handouts provided are written in English. Students will discuss, give a presentation, and write a term paper in English. No Japanese explanations and translations will be given in class.

3. Discussions and group work
Students will have discussions and group works in almost every class. Active participation is required. Students are expected to constructively express their ideas, opinions, suggestions, etc., during the discussion.

4. This course is not a cultural experience class
Students will learn about Japan's culture and society through lectures and discussions from sociological perspectives.
成績評価の基準等 In-class tasks and reflection sheet 30%
Homework 30%
Term-end report 40% 
実務経験 有り  
Based on instructor's experience teaching in Japan and abroad, provide a relative view of Japanese society and culture. 
その他 The maximum number of students in this course is 50. If the registered number of students exceeds the quota, the Student Support Office will choose students by a lot. 