年度 |
2024年度 |
開講部局 |
総合科学部国際共創学科 |
講義コード |
A1100001 |
科目区分 |
教養教育科目(昼) |
授業科目名 |
教養ゼミ |
授業科目名 (フリガナ) |
キヨウヨウゼミ |
英文授業科目名 |
Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students |
担当教員名 |
柴田 美紀 |
担当教員名 (フリガナ) |
シバタ ミキ |
開講キャンパス |
東広島 |
開設期 |
1年次生 前期 1ターム |
曜日・時限・講義室 |
(1T) 月5-8:総K304 |
授業の方法 |
演習 |
授業の方法 【詳細情報】 |
対面 |
演習中心、学生の発表 |
単位 |
2.0 |
週時間 |
4 |
使用言語 |
英語 |
学習の段階 |
学問分野(分野) |
社会人基礎 |
学問分野(分科) |
初年次教育 |
対象学生 |
IGS students |
授業のキーワード |
Interdisciplinary; Synthesis; Creativity |
教職専門科目 |
教科専門科目 |
教養教育での この授業の位置づけ | Introduction class for studying at IGS |
学習の成果 | |
授業の目標・概要等 |
Serving as basic orientation for students' university education, the aim of the seminar is to stimulate students' intellectual curiosity, foster active, heuristic, explorative learning, and lay the foundations for integrated arts and sciences. To this end, students will learn fundamental research skills and basic methods of scientific thought. Students will also undertake "mini projects" through group-work, enabling them to practice the basic skills they have learned in actual research. IGS students will be divided into three classes with approximately 14 participants each. |
授業計画 |
Lesson 1 (4/8) Introduction to seminar contents Lesson 2 (4/8) Self-introduction by students; check students’ timetables Lesson 3 (4/15) Introduction to group-work: explain about the aim Lesson 4 (4/15) Preparation for group work: decide on groups and teachers to interview, practice e-mail writing for appointment. Lesson 5 (4/20 Saturday) Orientation event (1) Lesson 6 (4/20 Saturday) Orientation event (2) Lesson 7 (4/22) Basic skills for studying at university level (1): Researching - How to find documentary sources, and how to compile a list of references Lesson 8 (4/22) Basic skills for studying at university level (2): How to collect information through interviews. Discuss plan and assign tasks for group-work. ※ April 30th (TUE) is a substitute class day for Monday classes, but Introductory Seminar is canceled on this day. Lesson 9 (5/13) Basic skills for studying at university level (3): Presentations - How to prepare materials, and how to give presentations lesson 10,11,12 Group Work Lesson 13 (6/1 Saturday)One day internship at Tadanoumi/ Okunoshima Lesson 14 (6/3) Group-work results presentation and discussion (Three IGS seminars together K305) Lesson 15 (6/3) Group-work results presentation and discussion (Three IGS seminars together K305) |
教科書・参考書等 |
References are introduced in the class. |
授業で使用する メディア・機器等 |
配付資料, 映像資料 |
【詳細情報】 |
Handouts, visual materials (videos, PC content, etc.) |
授業で取り入れる 学習手法 |
ディスカッション, PBL(Problem-based Learning)/ TBL(Team-based Learning), 授業後レポート |
予習・復習への アドバイス |
Lessons 1 Think about how to introduce yourself Lessons 2 Complete your course registration Lessons 3・4 Prepare for group-work Lessons 7 Make a list of topics you are interested in and want to look for material Lessons 10-12 Prepare group-work plan Lessons 14・15 Practice and get ready for the presentation |
履修上の注意 受講条件等 |
成績評価の基準等 |
Class participation 15% Contribution to group project 35% The final paper 50% |
実務経験 |
実務経験の概要と それに基づく授業内容 |
メッセージ |
その他 |
すべての授業科目において,授業改善アンケートを実施していますので,回答に協力してください。 回答に対しては教員からコメントを入力しており,今後の改善につなげていきます。 |