【国際交流イベント/International Exchange Event】1月23日のInternational Partyについて/International Party held on January 23 2025/1/20
こんにちは! 留学交流グループです。
いよいよ今年度最後のInternational Partyが近づいてきました!1月23日(木)に開催予定のイベントについて、個別にお知らせいたします。
Hello everyone! This is the Global Exchange Group.
The final International Party of this academic year is approaching! We are excited to inform you about the event scheduled for Thursday, January 23rd.
Celebrate the new year with us by enjoying fun games and engaging conversations. This is a fantastic opportunity to experience cultural exchange and make new friends. We look forward to sharing a relaxed and enjoyable time with everyone. Additionally, light refreshments will be provided, so please look forward to that as well.
Please see the attached poster for details. Feel free to invite your friends; we look forward to welcoming you!
日時&場所/Date & Venue:
2025年1月23日(木)/Jan 23rd(Thu.), 18:00-19:30
場所/Venue:ミライクリエ1階多目的スペース/MIRAI CREA 1F, Multi-Purpose Space
As these are in-person events, please register in advance using the application form. The deadline for registration is 16:30 on 1/23(Thu.).
We look forward to your participation!
(申込フォーム/Application Form)
Global Exchange Group (Student Plaza 3F)
Tel: 082-424-4541
E-mail: elife@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
いよいよ今年度最後のInternational Partyが近づいてきました!1月23日(木)に開催予定のイベントについて、個別にお知らせいたします。
Hello everyone! This is the Global Exchange Group.
The final International Party of this academic year is approaching! We are excited to inform you about the event scheduled for Thursday, January 23rd.
Celebrate the new year with us by enjoying fun games and engaging conversations. This is a fantastic opportunity to experience cultural exchange and make new friends. We look forward to sharing a relaxed and enjoyable time with everyone. Additionally, light refreshments will be provided, so please look forward to that as well.
Please see the attached poster for details. Feel free to invite your friends; we look forward to welcoming you!
日時&場所/Date & Venue:
2025年1月23日(木)/Jan 23rd(Thu.), 18:00-19:30
場所/Venue:ミライクリエ1階多目的スペース/MIRAI CREA 1F, Multi-Purpose Space
As these are in-person events, please register in advance using the application form. The deadline for registration is 16:30 on 1/23(Thu.).
We look forward to your participation!
(申込フォーム/Application Form)
Global Exchange Group (Student Plaza 3F)
Tel: 082-424-4541
E-mail: elife@hiroshima-u.ac.jp