[75周年][2024/10/26(土)開催・要申込]MIRAI CREAで国際交流イベントを開催します!/October 26(Sat) 2024 International Exchange Event will be held at MIRAI CREA! 2024/9/30
(English follows Japanese)
10月26日(土)、下記のとおり国際交流拠点施設MIRAI CREAで国際交流イベント「ASIAN SATURDAY」を開催します。
日時:2024年10月26日(土)12:30 PM~2:00 PM
場所:広島大学国際交流拠点 MIRAI CREA
Hiroshima University will hold the international exchange event “ASIAN SATURDAY” on October 26(Sat.) at Hiroshima University Phoenix International Center “MIRAI CREA”.
If interested in this event, please apply from the following URL.
Time and Date : 12:30PM~2:00PM,Saturday, October 26th, 2024
Venue: Hiroshima University Phoenix International Center “MIRAI CREA”
Outline of this event:
Individuals from various regions will present the cultures of their respective countries at each booth, representing different Asian countries. Participants can freely move around each booth and interact with international students. The event will also feature an introduction to disaster prevention in Higashihiroshima city. Asian-style snacks will be prepared. Pocketalk (an automatic translation device) will be available.
Please see the poster attached for details.
URL to apply: https://forms.office.com/r/27BJtwAi7J
The deadline is Monday, October 21st, 2024.
10月26日(土)、下記のとおり国際交流拠点施設MIRAI CREAで国際交流イベント「ASIAN SATURDAY」を開催します。
日時:2024年10月26日(土)12:30 PM~2:00 PM
場所:広島大学国際交流拠点 MIRAI CREA
Hiroshima University will hold the international exchange event “ASIAN SATURDAY” on October 26(Sat.) at Hiroshima University Phoenix International Center “MIRAI CREA”.
If interested in this event, please apply from the following URL.
Time and Date : 12:30PM~2:00PM,Saturday, October 26th, 2024
Venue: Hiroshima University Phoenix International Center “MIRAI CREA”
Outline of this event:
Individuals from various regions will present the cultures of their respective countries at each booth, representing different Asian countries. Participants can freely move around each booth and interact with international students. The event will also feature an introduction to disaster prevention in Higashihiroshima city. Asian-style snacks will be prepared. Pocketalk (an automatic translation device) will be available.
Please see the poster attached for details.
URL to apply: https://forms.office.com/r/27BJtwAi7J
The deadline is Monday, October 21st, 2024.