
【7/7締切/Deadline: July 7】6泊7日 次世代リーダー向けワークショップ『Bari Challenge University 2024』のご案内 7-day/6-night Workshop for Next Generation Leaders “Bari Challenge University 2024” 2024/7/1

(English follows Japanese.)

Bari Challenge University運営事務局から,以下のとおり案内がありましたのでお知らせします。

・名称:Bari Challenge University 2024

・概要:Bari Challenge University(BCU)は、企業理念の体現のために教育事業の一環として2015年に開始した、社会変革者を生み出すためのワークショッププログラム。全国から若者が今治に集まり数日間生活を共にする中で、夢にチャレンジするきっかけを作る、FC今治アドバイザリーボードもBCUに参加し、若者の挑戦を全力で支援する。

・プログラム期間:2024年8月19日(月)~ 2024年8月25日(日)
・募集期間:2024年6⽉7⽇(金)~ 2024年7⽉7⽇(日)
・主催:Bari Challenge University運営事務局 (株式会社今治.夢スポーツ)


The Bari Challenge University Management Office has sent us the following information.
If you wish to participate, please apply on your own via the attached URL.

Event name: Bari Challenge University 2024
Theme: Challenge to create a town based on Purpose

Workshop outline: Bari Challenge University (BCU) is a workshop program to create social change makers, launched in 2015 as part of the education business to embody the corporate philosophy. Young people from all over Japan gather in Imabari City to live together for several days, creating an opportunity to challenge their dreams. The FC Imabari Advisory Board will also participate in BCU and provide full support for the young people's challenges.

Program period: Monday, August 19 through Sunday, August 25, 2024
Application period: Friday, June 7 through Sunday, July 7, 2024
Holding method: Face-to-face in Imabari City
Target participants: Those who are between 18 and 30 years old.
Capacity: About 30 people
Conditions: Participants must be able to attend all programs during the period etc.
Participation fee: Free (transportation to Imabari City is at your own expense)
Organizer: Bari Challenge University Management Office
For more information and application, please access the attached URL. (Posted in Japanese)